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Question: A Department of Dentistry at a prestigious University has a worldwide reputation of research excellence. A young scientist who is supervised by a leading mentor in this department has generated a new idea to develop

22 Oct 2022,10:13 PM


A Department of Dentistry at a prestigious University has a worldwide reputation of research excellence. A young scientist who is supervised by a leading mentor in this department has generated a new idea to develop a new toothpaste ingredient which puts back the lost minerals from tooth enamel, helps prevent decay and treats sensitivity. This idea is not yet protected and it is new to the industry. Using Csikszentmihalyi’s (2014) creative thinking process model and Sternberg’s Investment Theory of Creativity

(i) critically discuss the relevant key personal resources that the young scientist will require for the development of this radical innovation during each of the stages of the creative thinking process.

(ii) how can the young scientist protect the value of this new toothpaste during the different stages of the creative thinking process? (25%

Expert answer


The young scientist will require the following key personal resources in order to develop the new toothpaste ingredient: creativity, intelligence, knowledge, and skill. In order to be creative, the young scientist will need to be open to new ideas and willing to explore different possibilities. In order to be intelligent, the young scientist will need to have a strong understanding of the scientific principles behind the new toothpaste ingredient. In order to be knowledgeable, the young scientist will need to have a comprehensive understanding of the dental industry. And in order to be skilled, the young scientist will need to have extensive experience in product development.

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