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Question: A scholar of the history of US foreign relations has said that "the United States was not just dealt a good hand.  It played it well."  Since 1898, HAS the US "played its hand well" overall in foreign policy?

09 Oct 2022,12:02 AM


A scholar of the history of US foreign relations has said that "the United States was not just dealt a good hand.  It played it well."  Since 1898, HAS the US "played its hand well" overall in foreign policy?

Expert answer


The United States has had mixed results in its foreign policy over the past century. While it has enjoyed successes in some areas, it has also experienced failures. Overall, it could be said that the United States has played its hand well in some respects and poorly in others.


The United States has been successful in its foreign policy when it has pursued a policy of engagement. This means that the United States has tried to work with other countries and international organizations to solve problems. This approach has led to successes such as the Bretton Woods Agreement, which established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The United States has also been successful in promoting democracy and human rights around the world.


The United States has also been successful in its foreign policy when it has taken a more isolationist approach. This means that the United States has stayed out of other countries' affairs and focused on its own interests. This approach led to successes such as the Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild Europe after World War II. The United States has also been successful in containing communism and preventing it from spreading to other countries.

The United States has not been as successful in its foreign policy when it has pursued a policy of interventionism.

This means that the United States has tried to impose its will on other countries through force or the threat of force. This approach has led to failures such as the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. The United States has also been unsuccessful in promoting democracy and human rights in some countries, such as Cuba and North Korea.


Overall, the United States has had mixed results in its foreign policy. It has enjoyed successes in some areas, but it has also experienced failures. The United States should continue to pursue a policy of engagement, but it should also

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