According to your analysis of a survey, there is only 25 percent support for a government health insurance among the eight Southern college-educated white respondents with income over $15,000. What do you conclude from this?
Your market research firm has been asked to conduct an Internet survey to see if people would purchase a new beverage product. The client has requested that estimates and "margin of error" data be available in two weeks, and apparently has ample money to finance the project. Your boss is not sure she wants to take the job, and has asked you to do a point-counter-point presentation that outlines the benefits and drawback of conducting a web survey. Discuss the advantages and and disadvantages of this mode of data collection, and make a recommendation about whether or not your boss should take the job. Are there any other modes of data collection that might be better suited?
You are interested in the target population of farm operators in a three-county area encompassing 360 square miles. You lack a list of farm operations and instead plan on using a grid placed on a map, with 360 square-mile segments. You plan to draw a sample of farm operations by drawing a sample of square-mile segments from the grid. Identify three problems with using the frame of 360 square-mile grids as a sampling frame for the target population of farm operations in the three-county area.
You are planning a survey about health care practices in a population of participants in the past year's US masters' swimming competitions. The survey interview consists of questions about what diet and exercise regimens the respondents pursue. The same questionnaire was used in a general population survey recently. You discover that a randomized experiment using a $10 incentive produced a 20 percentage point increase in response rates. Explain why you expect the incentive to potentially have similar effects, and why it might produce different effects for the survey you are planning.
The survey results suggest that college-educated white people in the South are generally opposed to the idea of government-provided health insurance. Given that this group is relatively affluent and well-educated, it is not surprising that they would be more likely to hold this view.
However, it is worth noting that even among this group, there is still some level of support for the concept. This suggests that there is potential for further public education on the issue, which could help increase overall support for government-provided health insurance.
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