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Question: Analyse the attractiveness of the airline industry pre-9/11. How attractive was the industry before 9/11? Was it profitable? Was there growth? What about competition?

08 Oct 2022,11:42 PM


The Airline Industry Post-9/11

  1. Analyse the attractiveness of the airline industry pre-9/11. How attractive was the industry before 9/11? Was it profitable? Was there growth? What about competition?
  2. Analyse the attractiveness post-9/11.
  3. How might airlines better plan for disruptive events such as 9/11?

Expert answer

The airline industry was a very attractive industry pre-9/11. It was profitable, had growth, and there was competition. After 9/11, the airline industry took a big hit. But it has slowly started to recover in the past few years.


How might airlines better plan for disruptive events such as 9/11?

Airlines could better plan for disruptive events by creating a contingency plan that includes a checklist of items that need to be completed in the event of a disruption. This would help to ensure that all necessary steps are taken in a timely manner. Additionally, airlines could work with local law enforcement and emergency responders to create a plan for dealing with potential security threats.


By having a comprehensive plan in place, airlines can minimize the potential for disruptions and ensure that passengers are safe. Additionally, by working with local law enforcement and emergency responders, airlines can be confident that they are taking all necessary precautions to keep their passengers safe.

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