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Question: Analysis of a Multinational Enterprise's Strategy and Host Country Operations

01 Jun 2024,6:14 AM


For this assignment, you need to choose ONE of the TOP 50 companies (MNE) from the Forbes 2023 Global 2000 company list (

N.B. You are encouraged to conduct preliminary data search about the potential MNE to ensure that you can access sufficient public domain data enabling you to conduct well-supported analysis.

Based on the choice of your MNE, answer the following questions. You are expected to meet the necessary academic requirements in terms of conducting effective research, application of theories and concepts, problem solving skills and academic writing. Your essay must include at least 10 academic journal references and 10 non-scholarly references to inform your key ideas.

Part A: Introduction and your chosen MNE (approx. 600 words)

Q 1. Write the introduction to you essay. You should include the purpose, main findings, and the scope and the structure of your essay in the introduction. (You should write your introduction after you know the key findings and the structure of your paper. It is strongly recommended that you write the introduction when you have completed the main body).

Q 2. Provide a brief profile of your MNE. Information such as its country of origin, company history, its main products/services, countries of operation etc., should be included.

Part B: Host country analysis & MNE's strategy(approx. 1650 words)

For this part, you need to select one foreign market (the host country) your chosen MNE is operating in (i.e. You may Not choose the home country of the MNE). You may also not choose the country your group selected for the Group Report Assessment (Assessment Task 2) of this course.

Q 3. From the below list, choose one stakeholder from the foreign market (the host country) your chosen MNE is operating in.

- The host country government
- Local community
- Local or international interest groups or industry associations
- Local employees or labor unions
- Local suppliers

Based on your understanding of the relevant course materials and your own research, discuss the impact of the stakeholder on your chosen MNE's operation in the host country with relevant examples.

Q 4. Based on your understanding of the course topics, Strategy of MNEs and Entering Global Markets, analyse strategy and entry mode choices your MNE adopted as it entered and operates in the host country. Evaluate the benefits and pitfalls of the company's decisions. If you were given the responsibility of managing your chosen MNE's operations in your selected host country, what additional or alternative actions would you undertake? Provide justifications for your answer.

Part C: Conclusion (approx. 250 words)

Q 5. Write the conclusion to your whole paper. Your conclusion should include a summary of key findings and an evaluation of the importance of your case.




Part A: Introduction and Your Chosen MNE

Q1. Introduction

This essay explores the strategic operations of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a leading multinational enterprise (MNE) from South Korea, within the Indian market. The purpose of this study is to examine Samsung's interactions with local stakeholders, assess its market entry strategies, and evaluate the efficacy of these approaches. Through detailed analysis, the essay aims to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities Samsung faces in India, a critical market for its global operations. The scope encompasses an overview of Samsung's corporate profile, an in-depth look at its engagement with local suppliers in India, and an evaluation of its strategic decisions in entering and sustaining its presence in the Indian market. This introduction will be followed by a comprehensive analysis and a concluding section summarizing the key findings and their implications.


Q2. Company Profile of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., headquartered in Suwon, South Korea, is a global leader in technology and consumer electronics. Established in 1969 as a subsidiary of the Samsung Group, the company has grown to become one of the world's largest producers of electronic devices. Samsung’s product portfolio includes smartphones, tablets, televisions, home appliances, and semiconductors. Its innovative technology and robust business strategies have positioned it as a market leader in various segments.

Samsung operates in over 80 countries, with significant manufacturing and R&D centers globally. Its success is driven by a commitment to innovation, quality, and strategic market expansion. The company’s operations in India are particularly noteworthy. India, with its large and growing consumer base, presents both significant opportunities and challenges for Samsung. Since entering the Indian market in the mid-1990s, Samsung has established a strong presence, investing in local manufacturing, R&D, and extensive distribution networks.


Part B: Host Country Analysis & MNE's Strategy

**Q3. Stakeholder Analysis: Local Suppliers in India

In India, Samsung's relationship with local suppliers is a critical aspect of its operational strategy. The local suppliers provide components, raw materials, and services necessary for the manufacturing and assembly of Samsung’s products. This symbiotic relationship impacts Samsung's supply chain efficiency, cost management, and overall competitiveness in the Indian market.

Local suppliers benefit from Samsung’s investments through technology transfer, training, and development programs, which enhance their capabilities and standards. For instance, Samsung has launched several initiatives to support local suppliers, including the Samsung Smart School initiative, which aims to foster innovation and skill development in local communities.

However, managing local suppliers also presents challenges. Quality control, timely delivery, and maintaining cost-effectiveness are persistent issues. Samsung addresses these challenges by implementing stringent quality assurance processes and fostering close collaboration with suppliers to ensure adherence to its global standards.


Q4. Strategy and Entry Mode Analysis

Samsung entered the Indian market through a wholly-owned subsidiary, a strategy that allowed it to maintain full control over its operations and ensure the alignment of its global standards with local practices. This entry mode provided several benefits, including streamlined decision-making processes, better protection of intellectual property, and the ability to directly oversee marketing and distribution strategies.

One significant strategic decision was the establishment of manufacturing plants in India, such as the Noida facility, which is one of the world's largest mobile phone manufacturing units. This not only helped Samsung capitalize on lower production costs but also positioned it to better serve the local market and respond swiftly to consumer demands.

Samsung’s strategy in India also includes significant investment in R&D to tailor products specifically for the Indian market. For example, the development of smartphones with features like dual SIM cards and enhanced battery life caters to the specific needs of Indian consumers.

Despite these strategic advantages, there are pitfalls, such as navigating the complex regulatory environment and intense competition from local and Chinese manufacturers. If tasked with managing Samsung’s operations in India, additional actions could include deeper integration with the local tech ecosystem through partnerships and innovation hubs, increased focus on sustainable practices to align with global environmental standards, and further localization of products to cater to diverse consumer preferences across India’s vast and varied market.


 Part C: Conclusion

Q5. Conclusion

In summary, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.’s strategic operations in India highlight the importance of adapting global strategies to local contexts. By leveraging local suppliers, investing in manufacturing and R&D, and tailoring products to meet local needs, Samsung has established a robust presence in the Indian market. The analysis underscores the critical role of strategic entry modes and stakeholder engagement in achieving competitive advantage. Evaluating Samsung’s approach provides valuable lessons for other MNEs seeking to navigate the complexities of entering and operating in diverse foreign markets. The case of Samsung in India illustrates the dynamic interplay between global strategy and local adaptation, emphasizing the need for continual innovation and responsiveness to local market conditions.

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