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Question: Compare and contrast "marriage" in Roman Catholicism and Judaism

01 Nov 2022,8:45 PM


Compare and contrast "marriage" in Roman Catholicism and Judaism

Expert answer


Marriage is a Sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church, while it is not considered a Sacrament in Judaism. In the Catholic Church, marriage is seen as a way to sanctify the relationship between a man and woman, and to provide a way for them to come closer to God together. In Judaism, marriage is seen as a way to create a stable and loving relationship between a man and woman, and to provide for the continuity of the Jewish people. While both religions see marriage as a holy and important institution, there are some key differences in how they view it.


In the Catholic Church, marriage is seen as a sacrament because it is believed to be an outward sign of an inward grace. This means that through marriage, couples are seen to be receiving God's grace, which helps them to grow closer to him. Marriage is also seen as a way to help couples sanctify their relationship with each other. In the Catholic Church, marriage is not just about two people loving each other - it is also about them becoming more holy and closer to God together.


In Judaism, marriage is not considered a sacrament. However, it is still seen as a very holy and important institution. Marriage in Judaism is all about creating a stable and loving relationship between a man and woman. It is also about providing for the continuity of the Jewish people. While the Catholic Church sees marriage as a way to help couples grow closer to God, Judaism sees marriage as a way to help couples create a strong and lasting bond with each other.

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