How have ideas about humans and gods changed from Antiquity to the Middle Ages and how is that reflected in the art?
Compare and contrast the artworks Wells Cathedral and Tomb of the Reliefs through the discussion of the change in the relationship between humans and the divine. the essay should ultimately answer the question, "How are the two chosen objects similar?" and "How are the objects different?" At least one of the paragraphs should include a discussion of the objects' functions. 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double-spaced, with Chicago Style footnotes and bibliography.
Wells Cathedral and the Tomb of the Reliefs are two very different examples of artworks that depict the change in the relationship between humans and the divine. Wells Cathedral is a Gothic cathedral that was built in the 13th century, while the Tomb of the Reliefs is an ancient Egyptian tomb that dates back to the 18th dynasty. Both works of art show how humans have become more aware of and involved in their own spiritual lives, and how they have begun to question and rebel against traditional beliefs about gods and religion.
One key difference between Wells Cathedral and the Tomb of the Reliefs is their respective audiences. Wells Cathedral was built for a largely Christian audience, while the tomb was designed for an Egyptian audience. This difference is significant because it means that the two works of art would have been interpreted differently by their viewers. For example, Christians would have seen Wells Cathedral as a symbol of God's power and majesty, while Egyptians would have seen the tomb as a reminder of the pharaoh's power and greatness.
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