1. Compare and contrast the nursing doctorate options (i.e., PhD, EdD, and DNP) and tell us how the DNP will impact your future practice.
2. Describe how your knowledge of Advanced Nursing Practice influences your decision to pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.
3. Discuss Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and how it differs from research.
4. Briefly describe your current nursing practice (site, patient population, your role, etc.) and identify one potential healthcare issue in your practice that could be the basis for your DNP Project.
5. Describe one evidence-based solution to the healthcare issue identified above, including citation of the literature where the evidence-based solution is discussed, and how the proposed solution will improve the identified healthcare issue.
6. Describe how the potential project affects healthcare quality and population health.
There are three main types of nursing doctorate degrees available: the PhD, EdD, and DNP. Each type of degree has its own unique focus and implications for future practice.
The PhD is a research-focused degree that will prepare nurses for careers in academia or research. The EdD is a more practice-oriented degree that will better prepare nurses for leadership roles in clinical settings. The DNP is a terminal degree that emphasizes advanced clinical practice and is the minimum educational requirement for most nurse practitioner roles.
The DNP will have the biggest impact on future practice, as it represents a shift from traditional nursing education to a more clinically focused curriculum. This change will better prepare nurses for the demands of modern healthcare and help to fill the growing demand for advanced practice nurses.
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