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Question: Critically discusses the notion that raising public spending on social policy can be justified on economic grounds. Exemplify your answer with reference to one or two fields of social policy.

13 Oct 2022,12:19 AM


Critically discusses the notion that raising public spending on social policy can be justified on economic grounds. Exemplify your answer with reference to one or two fields of social policy.

Expert answer


There is a great deal of research that suggests that public spending on social policy does in fact have positive economic effects. For example, when people have access to affordable health care, they are more likely to be able to work and contribute to the economy. Likewise, when people have access to quality education, they are more likely to be able to get good jobs and contribute to the economy. So, while it is certainly possible to argue that public spending on social policy can be justified on purely economic grounds, there are a number of other reasons why it is important as well.


In addition to the economic benefits of public spending on social policy, there are also a number of important social benefits. For example, when people have access to quality health care, they are more likely to lead healthier and happier lives. Likewise, when people have access to quality education, they are more likely to be able to get good jobs and contribute to society in a variety of ways. So, while there are certainly economic benefits to public spending on social policy, there are also a number of important social benefits as well.


In conclusion, public spending on social policy can be justified on both economic and social grounds. While it is possible to argue that the economic benefits are the most important reason for this kind of spending, there are also a number of important social benefits that should not be ignored.

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