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Question: Describe how cumulative causation manifests itself in the United States

08 Oct 2022,9:45 PM


1.An explanation of "cumulative causation”
2.Describe how cumulative causation manifests itself in the United States
3.Describe how it relates to globalization and the widening gap between core and peripheral countries.

Expert answer


There are a lot of things that happen in the United States. Many different things cause these events. When lots of these things happen together, it's called cumulative causation.


Cumulative causation is the idea that a bunch of small things can add up to one big thing. It's like dominoes. One domino falls, and then it hits another domino, which hits another domino, and so on. Eventually, you have a whole line of falling dominos.


In the same way, a bunch of small events can lead to one big event. For example, let's say there are lots of small businesses in a town. These businesses provide jobs for the people who live there. But then one business closes down. That's not a big deal by itself. But then another business closes, and then another, and pretty soon the whole town is in trouble.


Cumulative causation is a big deal in history. It's one of the reasons why things happen the way they do. It's also one of the reasons why it's so hard to predict the future. Because you never know when a bunch of small events are going to add up to one big event.


Who knows what will happen next? Maybe a few small events will add up to something big. Or maybe nothing will happen at all. That's the exciting (and scary) thing about life. You never know what's going to happen next.

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