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Question: Describe, in detail, the key elements of the Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) Philosophy. Should police administration be driven by data-based intelligence, or experience/training-based instincts?

01 Oct 2022,12:59 AM


1. Describe, in detail, the key elements of the Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) Philosophy. Should police administration be driven by data-based intelligence, or experience/training-based instincts?

2. Describe in detail the role, if any, of police officers in the field regarding ILP.

Expert answer

1.1. The key elements of the Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) philosophy are:

-Data-based decision making: Police administrators should make decisions based on data and evidence, rather than experience or training.

-Problem solving: Police should focus on solving problems, rather than simply responding to calls for service.

-Prevention: Police should focus on preventing crime, rather than simply investigating and prosecuting criminals.

2. What is the role of police officers in the field regarding ILP?

Police officers play a vital role in ILP by gathering intelligence and information about criminal activity in their beats and sharing it with other officers and investigators. They also play an important role in problem solving by working with the community to identify and address the root causes of crime. Finally, officers play a key role in prevention by working with the community to develop programs and strategies that will prevent crime before it happens.

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