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Question: Designing a Global mentoring program for GM

01 Jun 2024,5:31 AM

Designing a Global mentoring program for GM

GM is an American multinational company headquartered in New York City. The company operates through various sectors, but the main businesses are in power and renewable energy. GM is currently operating in 10 countries (China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, UK, France, Australia, South Africa, India, and Mexico) and has more than 10,000 employees globally. As a fast-expanding company, one of the top goals of GM is to grow talents globally and ultimately boost firm global competitiveness. 

You are the HR Director based in the headquarter. GM has a mentoring system but it only focuses on headquarter employees and mainly for leadership positions. You and your team are planning to design a new global mentoring program to address the challenges derived through the last couple of years. You are confident that the new Global mentoring program can benefit all employees at different levels and locations. Based on a number of internal employee surveys, feedback and consultation from management, as well as surveys and consultations from overseas subsidiaries, you have identified several challenges relating to the people management area:


  • Although the benefits of a mentoring program are well-recognized, it is very difficult to attract employees to be the mentors; this has been specifically highlighted by expatriates— GM sends hundreds of expats annually, but good mentors are always in shortage;
  • Employees, no matter headquarter employees, expats, or employees at overseas subsidiaries in general are experiencing high level of stress; based on the employee engagement survey, only 20% of employees are engaged with the organization;
  • The previous mentoring system is not well integrated with other HR functions such as training, performance appraisal, and reward and compensation;
  • The previous mentoring system is only designed for headquarter employees, especially leadership positions and mainly focused on career-related support;
  • There has been a rise of young, female expats who are taking international assignments;
  • There is no evaluation of the previous mentoring system;
  • The internal HR data shows the turnover rate for expats/local employees has been increasing;
  • According to recent expat surveys, there is very low satisfaction rate on company support and training initiatives;
  • Employees from overseas subsidiaries raised concerns of lack of communication and collaboration between headquarters and local offices;


You are dedicated to design a comprehensive mentoring program to address the above-mentioned challenges and benefit the global employees and the company as a whole. In the proposal, you have to discuss the following areas:


  1. Purpose of the program


You can consider the following points. You don’t need address all of them, these are just some examples that you can consider:

  • What is the purpose of your Global mentoring program? 
  • What problems could it solve?
  • What business needs could it address?
  • What are the tangible business results you want to achieve?


  1. Target of the program
  • What audience are you trying to impact (e.g., headquarter employees, expats, employees at subsidiaries?)
  • Who will be the mentee?
  • Who will be the mentor?
  • Will these groups be static, or can their roles change as the mentoring program progresses (i.e., can mentees become mentors)?
  • Will people be required or invited to join?
  • Can they choose to join your mentorship program or opt out?
  • How will you recruit new mentees and mentors?
  • How will you encourage non-participants to join in future cycles?
  • What will be the benefits for the mentees and mentors?
  • Will Gender relevant?


  1. Program Structure
  • Duration of the program (How long will relationships last?)
  • What focus areas and competencies should mentees and mentors be choosing from to help with making matches?
  • How mentoring is delivered? (F2F/E-mentoring)
  • What kind of mentoring support you will provide?

Students need to follow the report format:

  • Title 
  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion





Global Mentoring Program Proposal for GM

Executive Summary: This proposal outlines the design of a new Global Mentoring Program for GM, aimed at addressing various challenges identified through internal surveys and consultations. The program is intended to enhance talent growth, reduce stress levels, improve employee engagement, and strengthen communication and collaboration across GM's global operations. The program targets employees at all levels and locations, integrating with other HR functions to ensure comprehensive support and development. Key aspects of the program include flexible mentor-mentee roles, a focus on gender inclusivity, and a combination of face-to-face and e-mentoring delivery methods.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose of the Program
  3. Target of the Program
  4. Program Structure
  5. Conclusion

Introduction: GM, a multinational company headquartered in New York City, operates in 10 countries with over 10,000 employees. The company has recognized the need for a comprehensive global mentoring program to address various challenges related to employee management, including mentor shortages, high stress levels, low engagement, and poor communication between headquarters and subsidiaries. This proposal presents a detailed plan for a global mentoring program designed to benefit all employees and boost GM's global competitiveness.

Purpose of the Program: The Global Mentoring Program aims to achieve the following:

  • Talent Development: Grow talents globally by providing career and personal development support to employees at all levels.
  • Stress Reduction and Engagement: Reduce stress levels and increase employee engagement by offering support and guidance through mentoring.
  • Integration with HR Functions: Ensure the mentoring program is well-integrated with training, performance appraisal, and reward and compensation systems.
  • Inclusivity and Support: Address the needs of young, female expats and other diverse groups within the organization.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Improve communication and collaboration between headquarters and overseas subsidiaries.

Target of the Program:

  • Audience: The program targets all employees, including headquarter employees, expats, and employees at subsidiaries.
  • Mentees and Mentors: Both mentors and mentees can come from any level of the organization. Roles are dynamic, allowing mentees to become mentors as they progress.
  • Recruitment: Participation is voluntary, with employees invited to join. Recruitment efforts will focus on highlighting the benefits of the program to encourage participation.
  • Incentives: Benefits for mentees include career development, skill enhancement, and stress reduction. Mentors will gain leadership experience, recognition, and potential rewards.
  • Gender Relevance: The program will address gender-specific needs, especially supporting young female expats.

Program Structure:

  • Duration: Mentoring relationships will last for 12 months, with an option to renew.
  • Focus Areas: Mentees and mentors will choose focus areas such as leadership, technical skills, cultural adaptation, and work-life balance.
  • Delivery: The program will use a hybrid model of face-to-face and e-mentoring to accommodate global participation.
  • Support: Mentoring pairs will receive support through regular check-ins, training sessions, and resources to facilitate effective mentoring.

Conclusion: The Global Mentoring Program is a strategic initiative designed to address key challenges within GM and promote a supportive, collaborative, and engaging work environment. By fostering talent development, reducing stress, and improving communication across the organization, the program will contribute to GM's global competitiveness and long-term success.

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