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Question: Discuss and evaluate the following statement: “Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the graduate labour market will face a number of challenges, but it will also provide opportunities for Business School graduates to help rebuild the economy.”

22 Oct 2022,10:00 PM


Discuss and evaluate the following statement: “Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the graduate labour market will face a number of challenges, but it will also provide opportunities for Business School graduates to help rebuild the economy.”

Expert answer


Covid-19 has undoubtedly had a huge impact on the graduate labour market. The pandemic has led to widespread job losses and uncertainty, with many businesses struggling to survive. However, it has also created some opportunities for Business School graduates.


As the economy starts to recover, there will be a need for skilled professionals who can help businesses get back on their feet. Business School graduates have the perfect skillset for this task. They are able to think strategically and identify new opportunities for growth. In addition, they have the financial acumen to ensure that businesses are making sound investments.


There is no doubt that the graduate labour market will face challenges in the wake of Covid-19. However, Business School graduates will be well-positioned to help businesses rebuild and emerge stronger than ever before.

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