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Question: Discuss how personality, preferences, motivations, and styles impact leadership effectiveness.

13 Oct 2022,3:09 AM


You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of the workshop material by completing an assessment prior to attending the class.

This assessment will give you the opportunity to discuss your views on personality, motivation, leadership styles and teamwork.

Your paper should cover the following:

  • Discuss how personality, preferences, motivations and styles impact on leadership effectiveness.
  • Select your preferred tool that helps identify a personality, motivation, learning styles, or team preferences (for example, Myers-Briggs, Belbin, Maslov, Honey-Mumford etc.). Describe the tool and assess its effectiveness by sharing your results and commenting on their accuracy.
  • Describe your preferred leadership styles (as a leader and as a subordinate) and use examples from your experience to assess the pros and cons of those styles.
  • How do your personality, motivation, communication style and preferences impact on your effectiveness as a leader?
  • How can your own leadership style be improved to achieve higher effectiveness?

Expert answer


There are many different factors that can impact leadership effectiveness. Personality, preferences, motivations, and styles are just a few of the many factors that can affect how successful a leader is.


Personality is one of the biggest factors that can impact leadership. Some personalities are better suited for leadership than others. For example, outgoing personalities are often better leaders because they are more likely to be able to motivate and engage others. On the other hand, introverted personalities may struggle with leading others, but may be better at organizing and planning.


Preferences can also play a big role in leadership effectiveness. Leaders who prefer to take charge and make decisions quickly may be better suited for fast-paced environments. Leaders who prefer to take their time and consult with others before making decisions may be better suited for more deliberative environments.


Motivations also play a role in leadership effectiveness. Leaders who are motivated by a desire to help others and make a difference in the world often make good leaders. Leaders who are motivated by power or money may not be as successful.


Finally, styles also affect leadership effectiveness. Leaders who use a participative style, where they involve others in making decisions, are often more successful than leaders who use a directive style, where they make all the decisions themselves.

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