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Question: Discuss how responsive supply chain management supports a fast fashion business model. Use examples from the fast fashion industry within your answer.

21 Oct 2022,12:39 AM






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The concept of response is an important one for modern fashion supply chains” (Varley et al, 2019).


Discuss how responsive supply chain management supports a fast fashion business model. Use examples from the fast fashion industry within your answer.





(70 marks)

Expert answer


Define organisational control and compare the traditional hierarchical with the contemporary decentralised approach of organisational control.

Organisational control refers to the system of rules, policies, and procedures that a company uses to direct its employees' behaviour and ensure that its business goals are met. There are two main approaches to organisational control: the traditional hierarchical approach and the contemporary decentralised approach.


The traditional hierarchical approach to organisational control is based on a top-down model of authority, where decisions are made by senior managers and then communicated down the chain of command. This approach is often associated with a high degree of centralisation, where power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals. This can lead to a number of problems, such as inflexibility and a lack of innovation.


The contemporary decentralised approach to organisational control is based on a more collaborative model, where decision-making is distributed throughout the organisation. This approach is often associated with a high degree of decentralisation, where power is shared among many individuals. This can lead to a number of advantages, such as increased flexibility and greater innovation.


There are pros and cons to both approaches to organisational control. The best approach for a company will depend on its specific needs and goals.


Discuss how responsive supply chain management supports a fast fashion business model. Use examples from the fast fashion industry within your answer.

A responsive supply chain management system is crucial for a fast fashion business model. A responsive supply chain is able to quickly adapt to changes in demand, trends, and other factors. This allows businesses to rapidly produce the latest styles and meet customer demands.


The fast fashion industry is constantly changing, and new styles are always emerging. In order to stay ahead of the competition, businesses need to be able to quickly adapt their production processes. A responsive supply chain management system helps businesses achieve this by allowing them to quickly respond to changes in demand.


There are many examples of how responsive supply chain management has helped businesses in the fast fashion industry. One notable example is Zara, which is one of the leading fast fashion retailers in the world. Zara has been able to achieve success by implementing a responsive supply chain management system.


In the past, Zara would produce large quantities of clothing that would sit in warehouses for months before being sent to stores. This meant that if a particular style became popular, Zara would not be able to quickly meet customer demand.


However, Zara changed its approach and began producing smaller quantities of clothing more frequently. This allowed them to respond quickly to changes in demand and produce the latest styles. As a result, Zara has been able to maintain a high level of sales and become one of the most successful fast fashion retailers.


Other businesses in the fast fashion industry have also benefited from responsive supply chain management. For example, H&M is another leading retailer that has implemented a responsive supply chain. As a result, H&M has been able to rapidly respond to changes in fashion trends and meet customer demand.


In conclusion, responsive supply chain management is essential for businesses in the fast fashion industry. A responsive supply chain allows businesses to quickly adapt to changes in demand, trends, and other factors. This helps businesses produce the latest styles and meet customer demands. Zara and H&M are two examples of businesses that have benefited from responsive supply chain management.

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