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Question: Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to effective training and development. Explain how an effective performance management system along with compensation and benefits can attract, develop, and retain talented employees.

21 Oct 2022,2:31 AM


The primary function of HRM is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees attaining organizational goals and objectives. Consider all the areas of HRM that have been discussed in this course: Performance management Human resources planning, recruitment, and selection Human resources development Compensation and benefits Employment and labor laws and regulations In your final paper, Provide a high-level overview of each HRM area listed ab​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​ove. Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to effective training and development. Explain how an effective performance management system along with compensation and benefits can attract, develop, and retain talented employees. Analyze employment and labor laws and regulations that impact these areas of HRM listed above and the relationships between employees and employers. Explain how the functions of HRM work together in order to optimize organizational and employee behavior​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​.

Expert answer


Within a performance management system, HR functions contribute to effective training and development in several ways. First, HR can help identify training and development needs based on an analysis of employee performance data. Second, HR can develop and implement training and development programs that address these needs. Finally, HR can monitor the effectiveness of training and development programs and make adjustments as necessary.


In addition to its role in training and development, HR also plays a key role in attracting, developing, and retaining talented employees. By offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, HR can attract top talent to an organization. Once employees are onboard, HR can help them develop their skills and knowledge through effective training and development programs. Finally, by offering ongoing support and opportunities for career growth, HR can help retain talented employees over the long term.


In summary, HR functions within a performance management system contribute in a number of ways to effective training and development. In addition, HR plays a vital role in attracting, developing, and retaining talented employees. By offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, supporting employee development through training and development programs, and providing ongoing support for career growth, HR can help organizations thrive.

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