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Question: Discuss the role of wrestling and Mancala in African societies as a precolonial sport and game.

30 Sep 2022,9:54 AM


Question 1: Your answer should be between 350 and 500 words. (20 points)

Discuss the role of wrestling and Mancala in African societies as a precolonial sport and game.

Question 2: Your answer should be between 350 and 500 words. (25 points)

What role did colonization play in the diffusion of modern sport (soccer, track, field, etc.) in Africa?
(Institutions involved, various colonizers, their different doctrines, the locals’ reactions, etc.)

Question 3: Your answer should be between 350 and 500 words. (25 points)

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Question 4: Your answer should be between 350 and 500 words. (25points)

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Expert answer

Discuss the role of wrestling and Mancala in African societies as a precolonial sport and game.

Wrestling and Mancala are two of the most popular sports and games in Africa. They have been played by African societies for centuries, and continue to be enjoyed by people of all ages today. Wrestling is a physical sport that requires strength, agility, and stamina. It is often used as a form of entertainment, but can also be used as a way to settle disputes between individuals or groups. In some African cultures, wrestling is seen as a way to prepare young men for battle. Mancala is a board game that is similar to checkers or chess. It is usually played with stones or seeds, and requires strategic thinking and planning. Like wrestling, Mancala can be used as a form of entertainment or as a way to settle disputes. Both wrestling and Mancala are important parts of African culture and society. They are enjoyed by people of all ages, and provide a unique way for people to interact with one another.

What role did colonization play in the diffusion of modern sport (soccer, track, field, etc.) in Africa?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, British and other European colonial powers exerted a profound influence on the development of modern sport in Africa. Soccer, track and field, and other sports were introduced to African colonies as part of the process of colonization. The colonial powers used sport as a tool to assert their authority and control over the African people. African colonists were often forced to participate in sporting events as a way to demonstrate their loyalty to the colonial regime. However, it would be inaccurate to say that colonialism was solely responsible for the diffusion of modern sport in Africa. In many cases, African people embraced these new sports and made them their own. For example, soccer became extremely popular in South Africa during the colonial era. The game was adapted to the local conditions and became a symbol of African identity and resistance to colonial rule. After the end of colonialism, soccer continued to be one of the most popular sports in Africa. It is clear that colonization played a significant role in the diffusion of modern sport in Africa. However, it is important to remember that African people also played a role in shaping the development of these sports.

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