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Question: Discuss your thoughts about the different definitions of crime. In particular, identify ways in which you believe the definition may impact the concept of equal justice, as well as Criminology which influences policy (which then may also impact equal justice).

21 Oct 2022,2:16 AM


Discuss your thoughts about the different definitions of crime. In particular, identify ways in which you believe the definition may impact the concept of equal justice, as well as Criminology which influences policy (which then may also impact equal justice).

Expert answer


The different definitions of crime can have a significant impact on the concept of equal justice. For instance, if we define crime as an act that is punishable by law, then this may lead to a situation where certain groups of people are more likely to be punished for their actions than others. This could be due to a number of factors, including the fact that some groups are more likely to be targeted by law enforcement, or that some crimes are seen as more serious than others. Either way, this unequal treatment can impact equal justice.


Similarly, the definition of crime can also influence criminology, which in turn can impact policy. For example, if we define crime as an act that causes harm to another person, then this may lead to a focus on crimes that are violent in nature. This could lead to policies that are geared towards preventing violence, such as stricter gun control laws. On the other hand, if we define crime as an act that goes against the law, then this may lead to a focus on crimes that are more minor in nature. This could lead to policies that are geared towards punishing people who break the law, such as increasing fines or jail time for minor offenses.


Either way, it is clear that the definition of crime can have a significant impact on equal justice and criminology. It is important to be aware of these impacts so that we can make sure that our definition of crime is fair and just.

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