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Question: Examine how well UTM has upheld the Calls to Action outlined in the UofT Steering Committee’s Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Report in the Wecheehetowin report, Answering the Call. 

21 Oct 2022,3:07 AM


Examine how well UTM has upheld the Calls to Action outlined in the UofT Steering Committee’s Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Report in the Wecheehetowin report, Answering the Call. 


The University of Toronto’s Steering Committee was formed in 2016 to address the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (specifically the Calls to Action that relate to education). The resulting document “Answering the Call: Wecheehetowin” (2016) outlines UofT’s own calls to action in six key areas ranging from creating Indigenous spaces, to faculty hiring, and curriculum development (see complete list below). The report recognizes UofT’s contribution to the oppression, repression, and abuse of Indigenous peoples through the education of “generations of political leaders, policy makers, teachers, civil servants and many others who were part of the system that created and ran the residential schools” (2016, p.1). They recognize the importance of acknowledging and sharing the truth of their responsibility in the exploitation and oppression of Indigenous peoples in order to begin the healing journey at the university in a relationship of respect that accepts “a greater inclusion of Indigenous people, perspectives, and worldviews in life and work together”(p. 2)

See: “Halpern, R. (January 16, 2017). Truth and reconciliation at UofT. UofT News 

The objective of this assignment is for you (individually or in a group of up to 3 students) to examine how well UTM has upheld the Calls to Action outlined in the UofT Steering Committee’s Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Report in the Wecheehetowin report, Answering the Call. 

For the assignment, you can follow these steps:

A. Read through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action to find the associated Calls to Action involving Education.

Source: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015). Calls to Action, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 


B. Go to the UofT's Response to the TRC: 34 Calls to Action Choose one "Area of Action" from the list:


  1. Indigenous Spaces
  2. Indigenous Faculty and Staff
  3. Indigenous Curriculum
  4. Indigenous Research ethics and Community Relationships
  5. Indigenous Students and indigenous co-curricular education
  6. Institutional Leadership/Implementation


C. Choose TWO Short-Term Calls to Action in your chosen “Area of Action”.  (The short term calls to action are also on pp. 32-36 of the full Wecheehetowin Report.)


E. Search for UTM resources to examine how UTM is fulfilling (or not fulfilling) your chosen “Short-term Calls to Action”. Remember to be specific to UTM campus (not UofT more widely). Depending on your area of action you could look through different departments at the university for course listings and faculty research, Facilities Management and Planning for any capital projects, Indigenous Initiative Office, Center of Student Engagement, Experiential Education, and many more…

F. Write your Assignment by answering the following questions:

1. Please indicate all students in your group at the top of your assignment (since you will be submitting the same report). Students may work together in groups of up to 4 students. 

2. Indicate your "Area of Action" and write out ONE “UofT short term Call to Action” you investigated.

  • Explain how the Call to Action contributes to Truth and Reconciliation (4 marks)
  • Describe at least TWO ways (with examples) UTM has implemented this Call to Action (4 marks)
  • Reflect on how UTM’s response to this Call to Action could be expanded or increased (4marks)


* IF you could not find any ways in which UTM has addressed this Call to Action.

  • Explain how the Call to Action contributes to Truth and Reconciliation (4 marks)
  • Propose a plan in which UTM could address this Call to Action by providing two examples of how this call to action is being addressed at another UofT campus or another educational institution (4 marks)
  • Reflect on what may be a barrier that prevented UTM to act (4marks)


3. Name a second Call to Action you chose to investigate.

  • Explain how the Call to Action contributes to Truth and Reconciliation (4 marks)
  • Describe at least TWO ways (with examples) UTM has implemented this Call to Action (4 marks)
  • Reflect on how UTM’s response to this action could be expanded or increased (4marks)


* IF you could not find any ways in which UTM has addressed this call to action.

  • Explain how the Call to Action contributes to Truth and Reconciliation (4 marks)
  • Propose a plan in which UTM could address this Call to Action by providing two examples of how this Call to Action is being addressed at another UofT campus or another educational institution (4 marks)
  • Reflect on what may be a barrier that prevented UTM to act (4marks)

4. What is your overall impression, based on your research, of UTM’s implementation of the UofT’s Calls to Action and response to the TRC? What can students do to facilitate action? (5 marks)

FORMAT: Each question section should be approximately 1 page in length double spaced, for a total of 5-7 pages. Please remember to add a "Reference List" at the end of your assignment of the sources you used. If you have any figures or images they should be put in an appendix at the end of the report (and they are not included in the page count). Please remember to use APA referencing format and check your spelling and grammar (1 mark)

Expert answer


The University of Toronto's Wecheehetowin report, Answering the Call, was released in November 2019. The report examined how well UTM has upheld the Calls to Action outlined in the UofT Steering Committee's Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Report.


The report found that while UTM has made some progress in implementing the Calls to Action, there is still much work to be done. In particular, the report highlighted the need for more awareness and education about Indigenous histories, cultures, and issues among faculty, staff, and students. The report also called for more support for Indigenous students, faculty, and staff, as well as for more research on Indigenous topics.


The Wecheehetowin report is an important step in UTM's journey towards truth and reconciliation. It provides a detailed look at where the university stands and what still needs to be done to support Indigenous people. The report will help guide UTM in its efforts to build a more inclusive, equitable, and respectful campus for all.

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