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Question: Explain culturally sensitive care and its application within health care.

08 Oct 2022,10:00 PM


Diversity has a significant influence on health care. Studying transcultural health care helps health professionals understand different cultures in order to provide holistic and individualized health care. Review the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, including the theory, framework and 12 domains. this paper should explore the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Include the following:

1.Explain culturally sensitive care and its application within health care.
2.Explain the theory and organizational framework of the Purnell Model, and discuss its relevance to transcultural health care.
3. Describe Purnell's 12 domains of culture, and assess how each of these domains plays an active role in the diversity of health care in your specific field.
4.Discuss how this model can be applied when working with different cultures in order to become a more culturally competent health care provider.

Expert answer


Cultural sensitive care is important in health care. It means that you should be aware of the culture of the person you are helping. You should also try to help them in a way that is comfortable for them.


Cultural sensitivity is important because people from different cultures have different ideas about what is proper medical care. For example, some cultures believe that it is better to let a person die than to give them artificial life support. Others believe that certain medical procedures should not be performed on women.


If you are not cultural sensitive, you may inadvertently offend someone or make them feel uncomfortable. This could lead to them not wanting to seek medical care from you in the future.


There are a few things you can do to become more culturally sensitive:



Learn about different cultures and their beliefs about health care. This can be done by taking classes, reading books, or talking to people from different cultures.


Make an effort to understand the culture of the person you are helping. This includes learning about their customs, traditions, and beliefs.


Ask the person you are helping if they have any concerns or questions about the medical care they are receiving.


Respect the wishes of the person you are helping when it comes to their medical care. For example, if they do not want to receive artificial life support, you should not force them to do so.


Cultural sensitivity is an important skill for all health care providers to have. By being cultural sensitive, you can make sure that everyone receives the best possible care.

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