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Question: Explain how above-the-line promotions are different to below-the-line promotions. Give examples from the case of how Hi-Tec uses above and below-the-line promotions to gain loyalty with its consumers

04 Oct 2022,5:45 AM


High Tec – Using promotion to position a brand: Explain how above-the-line promotions are different to below-the-line promotions. Give examples from the case of how Hi-Tec uses above and below-the-line promotions to gain loyalty with its consumers


Assessment Task Information

Key details:

Written task (individual): Case Study Essay

  Marketing Principles



What do you need to do for this assessment?

You are required to answer a series of questions based on the two following case studies:

·        Case 1: High Tec – Using promotion to position a brand

·        Case 2: Ben Sherman Fashion – Use of the marketing mix in the fashion industry


Both case studies are located at the end of this document.


For Case 1, you must answer all the following questions:

1.     Explain how above-the-line promotions are different to below-the-line promotions. Give examples from the case of how Hi-Tec uses above and below-the-line promotions to gain loyalty with its consumers. [25]

2.     Analyse why Hi-Tec would want to re-position itself in the mind of its consumers and against its competitors using a viral marketing campaign. Give examples of how Hi-Tech achieved this.     [25]


For Case 2, you must answer the following question:

Critically evaluate how Ben Sherman combines all four parts of the marketing mix to tie in with its branding to reflect British culture and its high profile in fashion. Make recommendations on what Ben Sherman could do in future. [50]




You must answer produce answers to the questions above questions in a Word document, in the above order and you must make clear which question is being answered.

Your answers should also be written in an essay style. This means having:

·        An introduction that states the aims of the essay and defines the key concepts that the essay will cover;

·        A main body split into appropriate paragraphs – one paragraph for each main idea presented;

·        A conclusion that summarises what was previously covered and where the writer can add their own thoughts relating to the question.

Copying directly from the case studies is not acceptable (except for small quotations). You should also supplement your answers by referring to reputable academic, industry or news sources away from the case studies and use Harvard referencing. There is no minimum or maximum number of sources to refer to but using them is likely to support your answer.

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:

The theoretical frameworks covered in this assessment are as follows:

  • Segmentation Targeting and Positioning
  • Marketing Mix
  • Viral Marketing
  • Promotional Mix
  • Product Life Cycle


Referencing style:

You should also supplement your answers by referring to reputable academic, industry or news sources away from the case studies and use Harvard referencing. There is no minimum or maximum number of sources to refer to but using them is likely to support your answer.

Expected word count:

The word count includes your response to the questions but excludes your title page, the questions as headings and any references.

·        Case 1, Q1 – Max. 450 words.

·        Case 1, Q2 – Max. 450 words.

·        Case 2, Q1 – Max. 900 words.


Expert answer


Hi-Tec is a global leader in sports and lifestyle footwear, apparel and equipment. The company has built its success on a commitment to quality, innovation and customer service.


Hi-Tec uses both above-the-line and below-the-line promotions to gain loyalty with its consumers. Above-the-line promotions are those that are paid for by the company, such as advertising and public relations. Below-the-line promotions are typically less expensive and more targeted, such as direct mail or coupons.


Hi-Tec's above-the-line promotions help to position the brand as a high quality, innovative option in the minds of consumers. The company's ads often feature well-known athletes who endorse the products. This helps to create an association between Hi-Tec and success.


Hi-Tec's below-the-line promotions are often used to drive sales in specific channels or during key selling periods. For example, the company might offer a discount to customers who purchase online or in store. Or, it might run a promotion during the back-to-school season.


By using both above-the-line and below-the-line promotions, Hi-Tec is able to reach a wide range of consumers and build loyalty among its customer base.

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