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Question: Explain the cultural and social ideas of Jacksonian Democracy. Then, consider who benefitted from Jacksonian Democracy and explain how you imagine this provided Tocqueville with his high esteem of democracy.

21 Oct 2022,12:47 AM


A​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​lexis de Tocqueville toured America after Andrew Jackson’s administration, a period of time your textbook titles “Jacksonian Democracy.” Tocqueville believed American democracy would eventually overthrow monarchies to become the world’s dominant governing system. In a paper, explain the cultural and social ideas of Jacksonian Democracy. Then, consider who benefitted from Jacksonian Democracy and explain how you imagine this provided Tocqueville with his high esteem of democracy. For example, how did Jacksonian Democracy influence settlers in the old Southwest, the poor farmers, immigrants, Native Americans, slaves, women, and other groups?

Expert answer


Jacksonian democracy was a time period in American history during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, from around 1820 to 1830. This time period is also known as the Age of Jackson. The Jacksonian Democrats were a political group that supported Jackson's policies. They believed in strong state governments and limitations on the federal government. They also favored Manifest Destiny, which was the belief that America had a God-given right to expand westward across the continent. The Jacksonian Democrats were generally supportive of Andrew Jackson's policies of Indian removal and territorial expansion. However, they were divided on the issue of slavery. Some Jacksonian Democrats, such as John C. Calhoun, were slaveholders who believed in states' rights and the expansion of slavery into new territories. Other Jacksonian Democrats, such as Abraham Lincoln, were opposed to slavery and believed in the eventual emancipation of all slaves.


Jacksonian democracy had a significant impact on American culture and society. The Jacksonian Democrats were generally supportive of westward expansion and Manifest Destiny. This led to increased settlement in the old Southwest and the annexation of Texas. Jacksonian democracy also had an impact on the economy. Jackson's policies of laissez-faire capitalism led to increased economic growth and prosperity for many Americans. However, Jacksonian democracy also had some negative effects. Jackson's Indian removal policies resulted in the forcible relocation of thousands of Native Americans from their homelands. Additionally, Jackson's territorial expansion policies led to the Mexican-American War, which resulted in the annexation of large portions of Mexican territory.


Overall, Jacksonian democracy had both positive and negative effects on American society. The positive effects included increased economic growth and prosperity for many Americans. However, the negative effects included the forcible removal of Native Americans from their homelands and the annexation of large portions of Mexican territory. Despite these negative effects, Jacksonian democracy was a time period of significant cultural and social change in America.

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