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Question: From cotton to the store, how far does a t-shirt travel?

28 Sep 2022,10:32 PM


From cotton to the store, how far does a t-shirt travel? Share your findings in the discussion below and look at and reply to other people’s contributions. Think about the following questions as you look at what you and others have discovered:

Are some brands ‘better’ than others in terms of how far their product travels?
How does it make you feel after finding out the journey that your own clothes travelled from producer to consumer?
What other ethical and sustainability-related considerations are there, other than distance travelled?






Expert answer

A t-shirt's journey from cotton field to store is a long and complex one. Many different factors - from the type of cotton used to the country of manufacture - can affect how far a t-shirt travels before it reaches your local store. Some brands are 'better' than others in terms of how far their product travels. For example, brands that use organic cotton or that source their products from closer to home will have a smaller carbon footprint than those that use conventional cotton or manufacture their products in distant countries. However, it's important to remember that the journey a t-shirt takes from cotton field to store is just one part of its overall environmental impact. The way you care for and wear your t-  .....................

After finding out how far my clothes have travelled and the potential environmental impact of this, I feel quite shocked. I had no idea that the fashion industry was having such a negative impact on the planet. I will definitely think twice before buying new clothes in future, and try to buy from more environmentally-friendly brands where possible. I would encourage others to do the same!

There are a number of other ethical and sustainability-related considerations to take into account when buying clothes, such as the working conditions of the people who made them, the materials used, and whether or not the clothes are ethically-sourced. It can be difficult to know where to start, but doing some research into brands and their supply chains is a good place to start. There are also a number of online directories which can help you find ethical and sustainable brands (such as Good On You). Ultimately, it's important to try to make more environmentally-friendly and ethical choices when it comes to our clothing purchases.

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