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Question: How do economic evaluation studies contribute to decision making in the health care sector?

29 Sep 2022,10:45 PM

Chapter 5 Questions


1- Why is economic evaluation important to resource allocation?


2- What are the different types of economic evaluation? How do they differ from one another?


3- How do economic evaluation studies contribute to decision making in the health care sector? What are some examples?


4- What are the similarities and differences between cost-effectiveness analysis and comparative effectiveness research?



Chapter 6 Questions


  1. What factors would you use to estimate the level of demand for medical care for the typical individual? How would your choice of variables differ if you were estimating demand for an entire country?


  1. Policymakers often use infant mortality rates and life expectancy at birth when evaluating the efficacy of health care systems. In addition to living and dying, what other aspects of health status are important? How does the choice of measurement tool change our perspective when evaluating health care systems?


  1. The stated premise behind the production function for health is that medical care when combined with other inputs and a person’s own time produces good health. What is the marginal contribution of medical care to the production of health in the United States? How would your answer change if you were studying health in a less-developed country?


  1. Is medical care a luxury good or a necessity? Why should it matter to policymakers? What is the empirical evidence?


  1. The RAND Health Insurance Study was set up to examine the effect of economic incentives on medical care demand. What were the major findings of this study?


  1. In general, how does medical insurance affect an individual’s demand for medical care? Does insurance normally result in an increase or decrease medical spending?

Expert answer

How do economic evaluation studies contribute to decision making in the health care sector?

There is a growing recognition of the importance of economic evaluation studies in informing decision making in the health care sector. Economic evaluation studies help decision makers assess the cost-effectiveness of different health care interventions and make informed decisions about which interventions to invest in. A number of different methods are used to conduct economic evaluations, including cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and cost-utility analysis. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and no single method is suitable for all situations. Cost-benefit analysis is a powerful tool for assessing the financial costs and benefits of a health care intervention. It can be used to compare different interventions or to compare an intervention with no intervention at all. Cost-benefit analysis takes into account both the direct costs of an intervention, such as the cost of the drugs or medical procedures involved, and the indirect costs, such as the cost of lost productivity due to illness. Cost-effectiveness analysis is another tool for assessing the relative cost-effectiveness of different health care interventions. It compares the costs and benefits of an intervention in terms of a common metric, such as life years gained or quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Cost-effectiveness analysis is often used to compare different interventions for the same condition, or to compare different ways of delivering the same intervention. Cost-utility analysis is a type of cost-effectiveness analysis that uses QALYs as the primary outcome ...

Is medical care a luxury good or a necessity? Why should it matter to policymakers? What is the empirical evidence?

Medical care is a necessity for many people, and it should be affordable and accessible to everyone. However, in recent years, medical care has become increasingly expensive, and out-of-pocket costs have risen sharply. This has led to a debate about whether medical care is a luxury good or a necessity. There are several reasons why policymakers should consider whether medical care is a luxury good or a necessity. First, the affordability of medical care affects people's access to health care and their ability to receive quality care. Second, the cost of medical care affects the overall budget and can impact other priorities. Third, how we classify medical care can affect the way we think about and provide incentives for innovation in the delivery of health care services. The evidence suggests that medical care is a necessity for many people. In particular, medical care is essential for those with chronic health conditions and for those who are sick or injured. The costs of medical care can also be a financial burden for families, particularly for lower-income families. However, there is also evidence that some people do use medical care as a luxury good. For example, some people may elect to have cosmetic surgery or receive other non-essential treatments. Ultimately, the decision about whether to classify medical care as a luxury good or a necessity is a value judgment. However, it is important for policymakers to consider the implications of this classification when making decisions about health care policy....

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