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Question: How do U.S. and the Taliban influence the domestic situation of Afghanistan after 2001, including religious and social security aspects?

22 Oct 2022,10:28 PM


How do U.S. and the Taliban influence the domestic situation of Afghanistan after 2001, including religious and social security aspects?

Expert answer


The U.S. and the Taliban influence the domestic situation of Afghanistan in different ways.


After 2001, the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan increased significantly. The U.S. provided security and stability in the country, which allowed for the Afghan government to implement various reforms. One of the most important reforms was the introduction of a new constitution in 2004, which guaranteed religious freedom and social equality for all Afghans.


The Taliban, on the other hand, continued to fight against the Afghan government and opposed many of the reforms that were introduced. They also carried out numerous attacks against civilians, including suicide bombings and kidnappings. As a result of their actions, many Afghans have become displaced internally or have fled the country altogether.


The U.S. and the Taliban have thus had a profound impact on the domestic situation of Afghanistan. While the U.S. has helped to improve the country's security and stability, the Taliban has caused immense suffering for many Afghans.


The U.S. and the Taliban influence the domestic situation of Afghanistan in different ways. The Taliban, through their control of large parts of the country, are able to impose their will on the population in many areas. This has led to increased religious extremism and a lack of social security for many Afghans. The U.S., on the other hand, has used its economic and military power to help stabilize the country and improve conditions for its citizens. While there have been some setbacks, overall life in Afghanistan has improved since 2001 due to the efforts of the U.S. and its allies.The U.S. and the Taliban influence the domestic situation of Afghanistan in different ways. The Taliban, through their control of large parts of the country, are able to impose their will on the population in many areas. This has led to increased religious extremism and a lack of social security for many Afghans. The U.S., on the other hand, has used its economic and military power to help stabilize the country and improve conditions for its citizens. While there have been some setbacks, overall life in Afghanistan has improved since 2001 due to the efforts of the U.S. and its allies. The U.S. and the Taliban influence the domestic situation of Afghanistan in different ways. The Taliban, through their control of large parts of the country, are able to impose their will on the population in many areas. This has led to increased religious extremism and a lack of social security for many Afghans. The U.S., on the other hand, has used its economic and military power to help stabilize the country and improve conditions for its citizens. While there have been some setbacks, overall life in Afghanistan has improved since 2001 due to the efforts of the U.S. and its allies.


Taliban's control over the Afghan population increased greatly after 2001. The group enforced a strict brand of Sharia law, which limited the rights of women and religious minorities. They also carried out numerous attacks on government and military targets, further destabilizing the country. The presence of the Taliban also meant that many Afghans were unable to access basic social services or partake in the country's reconstruction process. This made it difficult for the Afghan government to establish a strong foothold and effectively govern the country. In recent years, there has been a growing Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. This has caused significant security concerns and has hampered efforts to rebuild and stabilize the country. The Taliban continues to be a major force in Afghanistan, influencing both the domestic situation and the country's relations with the outside world.

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