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Question: How efficient is netbook assembly at the Kaizhi plant?

15 Oct 2022,12:17 AM


Please address the following questions in your write-up (your qualitative discussion should be backed by quantitative analysis):


  1. How efficient is netbook assembly at the Kaizhi plant?
  2. a) What is the monthly output of the plant?
  3. b) What is the theoretical efficiency of the planned line, looking only at direct labor on the assembly line? (i.e. (planned) total labor time required / (planned) total available labor time of all workers)
  4. c) What is the actual efficiency of the assembly line? (i.e. (actual) total labor time required / (actual) total available labor time of all workers)


  1. How effective is the current operation?
  2. a) Discuss the effectiveness of the current operation in terms of Output Level, Quality, and Productivity.
  3. b) Is the operation designed appropriately to meet demand?


  1. What is the financial impact of bringing the operation closer to “full potential” and achieving planned production levels? 
  1. a) What is the planned production level in terms of monthly output?
  2. b) What is the financial impact of achieving the target cycle time?
  3. c) How important is reducing direct labor as a means to improve financial performance? (assume each assembly line worker costs $500 per month)


  1. What recommendations would you make to Elias Chen to improve the current operations?

Discuss the impacts of and the challenges associated with implementing your suggestions.


Expert answer


Notebooks produced in 50 sec = 1 

Notebook produced in 8 hrs by 1 assembly line(1 shift) = (60*60*8)/50 =516 

Notebook produced by 4 assembly lines(1 shift)=516*4=2304

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