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Question: How the beauty industry affects women's safety and how standards have changed overtime.

13 Mar 2023,6:20 PM


R​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​ound table Monologue TV Show: Broken (Netflix Episode 1 Makeup Mayhem) At least 2-3 pages and up to 5 pages, excluding references. A thoughtful, well-supported analytical dialogue between an appreciative reader and a critical reader. Incorporate details from the artifact, academic research, and relevant external sources​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​. Think magazine features or well-informed original blog posts. See the sample roundtable-monologue in the sample folder. Focus on cultural implications and less on aesthetically focused appraisal

Expert answer


Appreciative Reader: I recently watched the first episode of the Netflix series "Broken" titled "Makeup Mayhem," which sheds light on the beauty industry's impact on women's safety. As someone who enjoys experimenting with makeup, I was shocked to learn about the harmful chemicals and toxins that are present in many beauty products. The episode highlights the story of a young woman named Claire, who developed a severe allergic reaction to a hair dye product that caused her scalp to blister and bleed. This incident made me question the safety of the beauty products I use and the impact they have on women's health.

Appreciative Reader: I recently watched the first episode of the Netflix series "Broken" titled "Makeup Mayhem," which sheds light on the beauty industry's impact on women's safety. As someone who enjoys experimenting with makeup, I was shocked to learn about the harmful chemicals and toxins that are present in many beauty products. The episode highlights the story of a young woman named Claire, who developed a severe allergic reaction to a hair dye product that caused her scalp to blister and bleed. This incident made me question the safety of the beauty products I use and the impact they have on women's health.

Critical Reader: I agree that the beauty industry's impact on women's safety is a significant concern, but it's not a new issue. The use of toxic chemicals in cosmetics dates back to ancient civilizations. However, what has changed over time is the awareness and regulation of these ingredients. In recent years, there has been a push towards safer, more natural ingredients in cosmetics, and the beauty industry has responded to consumer demands by creating "clean" and "green" beauty products.

Appreciative Reader: That's true, and it's great to see companies taking responsibility and making changes. However, the episode also highlights the lack of regulation in the industry, which allows companies to use potentially harmful ingredients in their products. It's concerning that many of the ingredients used in cosmetics have not been tested for safety, and companies are not required to disclose all of the ingredients used in their products.

Critical Reader: The lack of regulation is certainly a concern, but it's important to note that the responsibility also lies with the consumer. It's essential to read the labels and educate ourselves on the ingredients used in the products we use. We also need to be mindful of the marketing tactics used by companies to sell their products. Claims such as "natural," "organic," or "clean" are not always accurate and can be misleading.

Appreciative Reader: I agree that consumers need to take responsibility, but it's not always easy to navigate the confusing world of beauty products. The episode mentions the need for more transparency and labeling requirements in the industry, which I think would be helpful. It's also important to address the cultural implications of the beauty industry's impact on women's safety.

Critical Reader: Absolutely. The beauty industry has long perpetuated unrealistic beauty standards that are impossible for many women to achieve. This can lead to a cycle of low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction, which can have serious mental health implications. The industry's focus on anti-aging products and "perfect" skin also sends a message that aging and imperfections are something to be ashamed of, which is not a healthy mindset.

Appreciative Reader: Yes, and it's not just about appearance. The episode highlights the impact of beauty products on women's physical health, such as the case of Claire's severe allergic reaction. It's concerning that the industry's focus on appearance can come at the expense of women's health and well-being.

Critical Reader: It's important to recognize that the beauty industry is not inherently bad. Makeup and skincare products can be empowering and help women feel confident and beautiful. However, we need to approach the industry with a critical eye and demand transparency and accountability. It's also essential to promote a more inclusive definition of beauty that celebrates diversity and doesn't perpetuate harmful beauty standards.

Appreciative Reader: I couldn't agree more. We need to advocate for safer and more inclusive beauty standards that prioritize women's health and well-being. It's up to all of us, as consumers and as a society, to demand change and hold the beauty industry accountable.

The beauty industry has a significant impact on women's safety, health, and well-being. While makeup and skincare products can be empowering, the industry's focus on appearance can lead to unrealistic beauty standards, body dissatisfaction, and mental health issues. Furthermore, many beauty products contain harmful chemicals and toxins that can have serious physical health implications.

The first episode of the Netflix series "Broken" titled "Makeup Mayhem" highlights the story of a young woman named Claire, who suffered a severe allergic reaction to a hair dye product that caused her scalp to blister and bleed. This incident raises concerns about the lack of regulation in the beauty industry, which allows companies to use potentially harmful ingredients in their products. Additionally, companies are not required to disclose all of the ingredients used in their products, making it difficult for consumers to make informed decisions.

However, there have been positive changes in recent years, with a push towards safer and more natural ingredients in cosmetics. The beauty industry has responded to consumer demands by creating "clean" and "green" beauty products. Nevertheless, the responsibility also lies with the consumer. It's essential to read the labels and educate ourselves on the ingredients used in the products we use. We also need to be mindful of the marketing tactics used by companies to sell their products.

It's important to address the cultural implications of the beauty industry's impact on women's safety. The industry has long perpetuated unrealistic beauty standards that are impossible for many women to achieve. The focus on anti-aging products and "perfect" skin also sends a message that aging and imperfections are something to be ashamed of, which is not a healthy mindset.

To promote a more inclusive definition of beauty, we need to celebrate diversity and challenge harmful beauty standards. It's up to all of us, as consumers and as a society, to demand change and hold the beauty industry accountable. The industry must prioritize women's health and well-being over profits and appearance.

In conclusion, the beauty industry's impact on women's safety and well-being is a significant concern. While there have been positive changes towards safer ingredients in cosmetics, the lack of regulation and transparency is still a significant issue. Additionally, the industry's focus on appearance perpetuates harmful beauty standards that can have serious implications for women's mental health. To address these issues, we need to demand change and prioritize women's health and well-being over profits and appearance.

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