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How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper: Expert Guide with Tips, Outline, Topics, Examples, and More

24 Oct 2023,7:13 PM




Writing a research paper is no small feat. It demands extensive research, meticulous organization, and clear communication of ideas. Yet, as you approach the conclusion of your research paper, it can be tempting to rush through this final section. However, your conclusion is just as critical as the introduction and body of your paper. It's your last chance to leave a lasting impression on your readers. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the art of writing an effective research paper conclusion. We will provide you with practical advice, valuable insights, outline, topics, examples, and more to help you master this essential skill.

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The Significance of a Well-Written Conclusion

Your research paper's conclusion is not just a summary or an afterthought; it's a critical component of your work. Here's why a well-written conclusion is so vital:

  1. Leaving a Lasting Impression: Your conclusion is the last thing your readers will see, and it's your chance to make a powerful impression. A well-structured and impactful conclusion can leave a lasting memory in the minds of your audience.

  2. Reinforcing Your Thesis: It's where you reiterate your thesis statement, reminding readers of your research's central purpose and the problem you aimed to solve.

  3. Summarizing Key Points: In the conclusion, you should summarize the main points discussed in your paper, reinforcing the knowledge gained from reading it.

  4. Providing Closure: An effective conclusion gives your paper a sense of closure. It's the point where you bring together all the ideas and arguments discussed throughout the paper.

  5. Offering Insight: In your conclusion, you can provide fresh insights and perspectives. This is your chance to contribute to the larger body of knowledge on your research topic.

Now, let's delve into the details of writing a compelling research paper conclusion.


The Structure of a Research Paper Conclusion

A well-structured conclusion is crucial to convey your thoughts effectively. It should include the following elements:

  1. Restate Your Thesis Statement: Begin your conclusion by reiterating your thesis statement. This reminds your readers of the central argument of your paper.

    • Example: "In this research, we have demonstrated the critical impact of renewable energy sources in mitigating climate change, highlighting the urgent need for policy changes in the energy sector."
  2. Summarize Main Points: Summarize the main points or arguments you presented in the body of your paper. Keep it concise but comprehensive.

    • Example: "Throughout this paper, we discussed the environmental benefits, economic feasibility, and long-term sustainability of renewable energy sources, emphasizing their potential to reduce carbon emissions."
  3. Highlight the Significance: Explain why your research is significant and how it contributes to the broader academic or practical context.

    • Example: "This research sheds light on the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources, not only for environmental preservation but also for long-term economic stability and energy security."
  4. Propose Future Directions: Offer insights into potential future research or actions that could stem from your work.

    • Example: "In the future, further studies could explore the economic implications of renewable energy adoption, the role of government policies, and the integration of new technologies to maximize the benefits of sustainable energy sources."
  5. End with a Strong Closing Statement: Conclude with a memorable and impactful statement that leaves a lasting impression.

    • Example: "As we move forward in the 21st century, it is evident that the transition to renewable energy is not merely an option but a necessity. The choices we make today will determine the world we leave for future generations."

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Crafting a Memorable Conclusion

To create a memorable conclusion, consider the following tips:

  1. Keep it Concise: A conclusion should be succinct and to the point. Avoid introducing new information or arguments; stick to summarizing and reinforcing existing points.

  2. Revisit Your Introduction: Refer back to your introduction. A strong conclusion often mirrors the introduction, providing a sense of completeness to your paper.

  3. Use Strong Language: Choose your words carefully. Use powerful and persuasive language to make your conclusion impactful.

  4. Avoid Repetition: While it's important to restate your thesis and main points, avoid copying and pasting from the introduction. Instead, rephrase and reinforce these ideas.

  5. Avoid New Citations: Your conclusion is not the place to introduce new sources or citations. Use the information and evidence already presented in your paper.

  6. Be Forward-Looking: Provide a sense of direction or purpose in your conclusion. What should readers take away from your paper? What can they do with the knowledge you've presented?


Research Paper Conclusion Outline

To help you structure your research paper conclusion effectively, here's an outline you can follow:

I. Restate Your Thesis Statement

  • Reiterate the main argument of your paper.

II. Summarize Main Points

  • Provide a concise summary of the key points discussed in the paper.

III. Highlight the Significance

  • Explain the broader significance of your research.

IV. Propose Future Directions

  • Offer insights into potential areas for future research or action.

V. Strong Closing Statement

  • Conclude with a memorable and impactful statement.

By following this outline, you can ensure that your research paper conclusion is well-organized and covers all the essential elements.


Choosing the Right Topics for Your Research Paper Conclusion

The choice of topics for your research paper conclusion depends on the nature of your study and your objectives. Here are some common approaches to consider:

  1. Theoretical Implications: Discuss how your research contributes to or challenges existing theories in your field.

  2. Practical Applications: Highlight the practical significance of your research and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios.

  3. Policy Recommendations: If your research has policy implications, outline specific recommendations for policymakers.

  4. Future Research Directions: Suggest areas where further research is needed or propose questions that your study leaves unanswered.

  5. Personal Reflection: Share your personal insights, experiences, or emotional responses related to your research topic.

  6. Social or Ethical Considerations: Address any ethical dilemmas or societal implications of your research.

  7. Call to Action: Encourage readers to take specific actions or adopt particular viewpoints based on your findings.

The choice of topic should align with the core message of your research paper and its intended audience. A well-selected topic will make your conclusion more engaging and persuasive.

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Examples of Effective Research Paper Conclusions

To illustrate the concepts we've discussed, here are a few examples of effective research paper conclusions from various fields:

Example 1 - Environmental Science

In this study, we've examined the impact of deforestation on biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest. Our findings reveal a disturbing trend of species loss and habitat degradation. The urgent need for conservation efforts cannot be overstated. As we move forward, it is imperative that we develop and implement comprehensive conservation strategies that involve local communities, governments, and international organizations. Only through collaborative action can we hope to preserve the rich biodiversity of the Amazon, which is not only vital for the well-being of its inhabitants but also for the health of our planet.

Example 2 - Psychology

This research has delved into the factors influencing adolescent mental health, revealing the significant role of family support, peer relationships, and school environments. Our findings underscore the need for a holistic approach to adolescent mental health, one that involves parents, educators, and mental health professionals working in tandem. As we look ahead, it is essential that we create nurturing environments that empower adolescents to thrive emotionally and socially. It's a collective responsibility that, if taken seriously, can transform the lives of countless young individuals.

Example 3 - Economics

Our study has explored the impact of minimum wage policies on income inequality, shedding light on the complex relationship between government interventions and market dynamics. While our research has revealed that raising the minimum wage can alleviate income inequality, it is equally clear that the process is not without challenges. Moving forward, policymakers should consider a balanced approach, addressing both the short-term economic impact and the long-term welfare of the workforce. By doing so, we can ensure that minimum wage policies continue to be a viable solution to combat income inequality.


FAQs: Answering Common Questions about Writing Research Paper Conclusions

  1. What is the primary purpose of a research paper conclusion?

    The primary purpose of a research paper conclusion is to provide closure and reinforce the main arguments and findings of the paper. It's also an opportunity to highlight the broader significance of the research and suggest future directions.

  2. Should I introduce new information in the conclusion?

    No, the conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or arguments. It should only summarize and reinforce the points presented in the body of the paper.

  3. How do I make my conclusion memorable?

    To make your conclusion memorable, use strong and persuasive language, reiterate the thesis statement, and end with a powerful closing statement. Also, consider revisiting the introduction to provide a sense of completeness.

  4. Can I share personal reflections in my conclusion?

    Yes, sharing personal reflections or emotional responses related to your research topic can be appropriate if it aligns with the overall tone and purpose of your paper.

  5. Is it necessary to suggest future research directions in the conclusion?

    While it's not mandatory, suggesting future research directions can be a valuable addition to your conclusion. It shows that you're aware of the limitations of your study and can guide other researchers.

  6. How long should a research paper conclusion be?

    The length of a research paper conclusion can vary, but it should be concise and to the point. Aim for about 10% of the total word count of your paper.

  7. What should I avoid in a research paper conclusion?

    Avoid introducing new citations or sources, repeating information verbatim from the introduction, and including new arguments or evidence.

  8. Can I use a quote in my research paper conclusion?

    Using a relevant and impactful quote can be an effective way to conclude your research paper, but use it sparingly and ensure it fits the context.

  9. Is it essential to restate the thesis in the conclusion?

    Yes, it's important to restate your thesis statement in the conclusion to remind readers of the central argument of your paper.

  10. How do I ensure that my conclusion aligns with the rest of the paper?

    To ensure alignment, revisit the introduction and the main body of your paper. Your conclusion should mirror the introduction, bringing the reader's journey full circle.

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Why Apax Researchers is Your Best Choice for Online Tutoring Services

At Apax Researchers, we understand the challenges students face when it comes to writing research papers, including crafting effective conclusions. Our team of expert tutors and educators are here to provide the guidance and support you need to excel in your academic endeavors. Here's why Apax Researchers is your best choice for online tutoring services:

  1. Experienced Tutors: Our tutors are experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge in various academic disciplines. They are skilled in guiding students through the research paper writing process, including crafting impactful conclusions.

  2. Tailored Support: We understand that every student's needs are unique. Our tutors provide personalized guidance, ensuring that your research paper and its conclusion align with your specific requirements.

  3. Practical Advice: We offer practical tips, examples, and templates to help you master the art of writing research paper conclusions, just as demonstrated in this guide.

  4. Accessibility: Our online tutoring services are readily accessible, providing you with expert guidance regardless of your location or schedule.

  5. Quality Assurance: We are committed to delivering high-quality tutoring services, helping you achieve academic excellence.


In conclusion, writing an effective research paper conclusion is a skill that can set your work apart and leave a lasting impression on your readers. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this guide, you can craft compelling conclusions that not only summarize your research but also offer valuable insights and direction for future studies. At Apax Researchers, we are dedicated to supporting your academic journey, offering expert guidance to help you succeed in your research endeavors.

For further assistance or to explore our online tutoring services, please visit our website at

Remember, your research paper's conclusion is your last opportunity to make a lasting impression—make it count.

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