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Question: How useful is the concept of ‘propaganda’ in discussing the role of contemporary media in political processes?

22 Oct 2022,1:48 AM


How useful is the concept of ‘propaganda’ in discussing the role of contemporary media in political processes?

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This session will explore the different ways in which sociologists and media theorists have understood the concepts of ‘propaganda’ and ‘media power’. We will investigate their application in a range of contemporary studies including the work of the GUMG and Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda model.

Key Reading:
Chapter 1, ‘A Propaganda Model’ in Herman and Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent (2008 edition available online through library).

Chomsky, N. (2011) Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order, New York: Seven Stories Press.

Corner, J. (2003) ‘Debate: The Model In Question: A Response to Klaehn on Herman and Chomsky’, European Journal of Communication, 18 (3) pp. 367-375.

Corner, J (2011) Theorising Media: Power, Form and Subjectivity. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Curran, J., Fenton, N. and Freedman, D. (2016) Misunderstanding the Internet, (2nd edition). Routledge: Oxon.

Devereux, E. (2014) Understanding the Media, (3rd edition). London: Sage. (Chapter 6)

Freedman, D. 'Truth over justice: the Leveson Inquiry and the implications for democracy' in P. Dear-man and C. Greenfield (eds), How We are Governed: Investigations of Communication, Media and De-mocracy, Cambridge Scholars, 53-74. (Chapter 4)

Herman, E. and Chomsky, N. (2008 Manufacturing Consent: the political economy of the mass media, New York: Pantheon Books.

Herman, E . (1996) ‘The Propaganda Model Revisited’, Monthly Review. Vol. 48, Issue. 3.

Herman, E. (1986) 'Gate keeper versus propaganda models' in P. Golding (eds.) Communicating Politics: mass communications and the political process, Leicester University Press. (photocopy)

Herman, E. (2000) ‘The Propaganda Model: A Retrospective’ in Journalism Studies, Vol. 1, Issue. 1, pp. 101-112.

Klaehn, J. (2002). ‘A critical review and assessment of Herman and Chomsky’s ‘propaganda model’, Eu-ropean Journal of Communication, Vol. 17(2), pp. 147–182.

Miller, D. (2001) 'Media power and class power: overplaying ideology', in Panitch, L. and Leys, C. (eds.) 'A World of Contradictions', Socialist Register 2002, London: Merlin Press. Available at:

Oborne, P. (2008) The Triumph of the Political Class, Pocket Books.

Philo, G. (1994) Television, Politics and the Rise of the New Right, G.U.M.G: Glasgow (also in

Philo G. ed. (1996) Glasgow Media Group Reader Vol. 2, Routledge, London.

Philo, G., Miller, D., and Happer, C. (2015) Circuits of communication and structures of power: the so-ciology of the mass media. In: Holborn, M. (ed.) Contemporary Sociology, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Expert answer


Propaganda is often used as a negative term, associated with deceit and manipulation. However, the concept can also be useful in understanding the role of media in political processes.


Media plays an important role in shaping public opinion and influencing political decisions. In many cases, the media is used to spread propaganda, which can be defined as “information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause” (


While propaganda can have negative connotations, it is important to remember that not all propaganda is necessarily bad. Propaganda can be used to promote positive messages and causes, as well as to raise awareness about important issues.


However, it is also important to be aware of the potential dangers of propaganda. In some cases, propaganda can be used to spread false information or to promote hatred and violence. It is important to be critical of the information that we see in the media, and to question whether or not it is truly accurate and objective.

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