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Question: In one of her letters, Jane Austen famously described Pride and Prejudice as “rather too light & bright & sparkling.” In what sense is that judgment accurate—and in what sense is it not?

17 Oct 2022,10:12 PM


  1. TOO LIGHT: In one of her letters, Jane Austen famously described Pride and Prejudiceas “rather too light & bright & sparkling.” In what sense is that judgment accurate—and in what sense is it not? (Take a stand but acknowledge your opposition)
  2. PAIRS OF SCENES: We’ve noted that, as part of her craft, Austen often includes pairs of scenes that echo or comment on each other. Book 1, for example, includes one public dance at the assembly and one private dance at Netherfield, each offering different perceptions and understandings of the characters involved. Find two scenes (perhaps one from early in the novel and one from later) that seem to mirror or comment on each other and that significanctly contribute to the story. What does Austen accomplish by including such scenes? (Don’t do the two scenes mentioned above. Find your own!)
  3. THE TITLE: Austen originally titled her novel “First Impressions,” but someone had already published a popular novel by that name and she had to make a change. That commercial decision aside, which is the better title for the novel—Pride and Prejudice or First Impressions?
  4. THE MINOR CHARACTERS: What role do the minor characters play in developing Austen’s major theme (or themes) in Pride and Prejudice? (Work with at least two and no more than three characters and only one theme.)

Expert answer


In one sense, Austen is accurate in that the novel is light and easy to read. It does not deal with serious or heavy topics. However, in another sense, Austen is not accurate because the novel does explore important themes such as love and marriage.


Pride and Prejudice is one of the most famous and well-loved novels in the English language. It is a story of love and marriage, and it is also a story of class, income, and social status. The novel is set in the early 1800s in England, and it follows the lives of the Bennet sisters.


Austen uses her characters to explore issues such as love and marriage, class, and social status. She also uses humor and wit to add lightness to the story. Pride and Prejudice is a classic novel that is still relevant today.

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