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Question: Jason Brennan (2023: 416) writes: “The problem is that appealing to self-interest or profits is sometimes morally inappropriate......

27 Feb 2024,9:26 AM


  1. In his recently published article, ‘Diversity for Justice vs. Diversity for Performance: Philosophical and Empirical Tensions’, Jason Brennan (2023: 416) writes:


“The problem is that appealing to self-interest or profits is sometimes morally inappropriate. Appealing to self-interest on behalf of diversity can even alienate the very people it is meant to include”.


In your view, what are the implications of Brennan’s argument for:

    1. Enlightened self-interest in promoting diversity as justice?
    2. The role of the state in promoting diversity as justice?



Possible References:


Brennan, J. (2023) Diversity for Justice vs. Diversity for Performance: Philosophical and Empirical Tensions, Journal of Business Ethics, 187: 433-447,


Ely, R. and Thomas, D. (2020) Getting Serious About Diversity, Harvard Business Review,


Fraser, N. (2012) On Justice, New Left Review, 74: 41-51,


Porter, M. E. and Kramer, M. R. (2006) Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility, Harvard Business Review, 84: 78-92. corporate-social-responsibility








  1. The leading global business consultants, McKinsey (Henisz, et al, 2019), believe that:


“Your business, like every business, is deeply intertwined with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns. It makes sense, therefore, that a strong ESG proposition can create value”.


In your view, what strategies should companies adopt to develop work practices that:

    1. Align with a ‘a strong ESG proposition’ within their CSR strategy,
    2. Creates value for a business but avoids greenwashing and false claims?



Possible References


Capelle-Blancard, G. and Petit, A. (2019) Every Little Helps? ESG News and Stock Market Reaction, Journal of Business Ethics, 157: 543-565,


Gonçalves, M. (2023) The Big Green Washing Crackdown, The Grocer, greenwashing-crackdown/676159.article


Henisz, W., Koller, T., and Nuttall, R. (2019) Five Ways that ESG Creates Value, The McKinsey Quarterly, Corporate%20Finance/Our%20Insights/Five%20ways%20that%20ESG%20creates%20valu e/Five-ways-that-ESG-creates-value.ashx


Sehgal, V., Garg, N. & Singh, J. (2023) Impact of Sustainability Performance & Reporting on a Firm’s Reputation, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 14: 228-240.





Assessment Criteria and Guidance




The following guidance is advisory and illustrative. There is considerable latitude for students to offer their own interpretation and analysis. Students are encouraged to use the first person singular, “I” in their writing. After all, you are being asked about your views!



  1. In his recently published article, ‘Diversity for Justice vs. Diversity for Performance: Philosophical and Empirical Tensions’, Jason Brennan (2023: 416) writes:


“The problem is that appealing to self-interest or profits is sometimes morally inappropriate. Appealing to self-interest on behalf of diversity can even alienate the very people it is meant to include”.


In your view, what are the implications of Brennan’s argument for:

    1. Enlightened self-interest in promoting diversity as justice?
    2. The role of the state in promoting diversity as justice?


Students should consider writing an Introduction that sets out the principal aspects of the arguments and context, briefly alludes to the main points of their conclusion, and sets out the structure of the remainder of their paper. This could be final part of the paper written. Typically, an Introduction could be around 100 words.


From here, students should discuss the central aspects of Brennan’s argument, which centres on diversity in the workplace. This could include the definition/description of diversity, the moral case centring on justice (which type of justice may be helpful to clarify), and his contrast with the claims that diversity enhances organisational performance. Is there an assumption that diversity promotes certain forms of justice? This section could be around 600 words in length.


Then question (a) could be considered. Here “enlightened self-interest” may be outlined and discussed. What does it mean? Reference to Porter and Kramer’s (2006) more general argument may be useful. Obviously, recourse to Brennan’s paper would be appropriate. Does “enlightened self-interest” preclude a need for the state to ensure justice? The section may be around 500 words.


For (b), some consideration could be given to whether competition in markets will ensure justice. If not, is this a form of market failure? If it is, what in your view, should the state do to promote justice? Again, around 500 words may be appropriate.


A discussion and conclusion should then follow. This could be around 300 words. Here, students are encouraged to express their views on the tenor of Brennan’s argument.


Where possible, throughout their papers, students should employ examples.



  1. The leading global business consultants, McKinsey (Henisz, et al, 2019), believe that:


“Your business, like every business, is deeply intertwined with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns. It makes sense, therefore, that a strong ESG proposition can create value”.


In your view, what strategies should companies adopt to develop work practices that:


        • Align with a ‘a strong ESG proposition’ within their CSR strategy,
        • Creates value for a business but avoids greenwashing and false claims?


To support this assignment, you may consider reviewing the ESG strategies of some leading global brands. Assess how they are demonstrating what they say they are doing, and evidence, in your opinion whether they are making positive CSR impact or greenwashing. Here are some global brand examples, but do research companies that you are interested in finding out about:


Coca-cola: cola-business-sustainability-report-2022.pdf


Nike: file:///C:/Users/lw178u/Downloads/FY22-NIKE,-Inc.-Impact-Report.pdf H&M: Report-2022.pdf



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