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Question: Jean, 60, was referred to therapy after coming to live with her adult daughter, Mary. Jean had a history of domestic abuse, including sexual abuse by her stepfather from the time she was 17 years old, until she left home at 18.

13 Oct 2022,3:17 AM



Jean, 60, was referred to therapy after coming to live with her adult daughter, Mary. Jean had a history of domestic abuse, including sexual abuse by her stepfather from the time she was 17 years old, until she left home at 18. Jean states that her family of origin was very disruptive and that growing up was difficult for her because she didn’t have a stable home. She did fine in school, but married at age 18 as a way of getting away from the abuse and instability. Her husband, who died 5 years ago, was verbally, emotionally, and sexually abusive towards her. She has never had treatment for the past abuses. Jean states that she only recently realized that husbands can sexually abuse and/or rape their wives. She just tho​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​ught it was normal behavior. She raised one daughter, who is now married, childless, and 40 years of age. Mary is well adjusted and has a stable home. However, Mary resents her mother for her recent behaviors and that she is now in the position of caring for her mother (because of her mother’s poor decision-making about self-care, caring for her home and environment, and financial spending problems). She is embarrassed of her mother, and it is evident during the interview with them. Mary describes her as having a hoarding problem that led to her losing her home (it was condemned) and that she drained all of her financial resources through her spending and hoarding behaviors. Jean also had poor hygiene and hadn’t been to a dentist or doctor for over 5 years. Mary reports that her mom seems lost at times, forgets things easily, and often shows no emotional responses to situations that warrant it. Jean shared that she would like to have a part-time job but isn’t sure what she would be good at. She worked in a residential treatment facility for troubled girls before she retired after some health problems (diabetes and high blood pressure). She shared that she really enjoyed her job and especially talking with the girls about their problems and helping them. Jean’s mother was Native American and was raised on the Lakota Indian Reservation. Her biological father was White and had been reared in poverty. Both of Jean’s parents had alcohol problems and dropped out of school at 16 years old. As a young girl, Jean spent time with her maternal grandmother who taught her about their traditional Native American values, p​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​ractices, and beliefs


U​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​se the case study which discusses a client whose presentation, signs, and symptoms are ambiguous. You are to prepare a paper describing a ‘battery’ of assessment methods and tools to assist you with diagnosis and treatment planning, complete with a justification for your selections on the basis of the client’s characteristics and needs. Your paper will be divided into four categories: A general description of the client’s presenting problems A description of what information is needed to diagnose the client, as well as to plan for treatment A detailed description of the specific assessment methods and tools that are required to gain this information, as well as a plan for scheduling, administering, and interpreting the results A discussion of whatever ethical and cultural issues must be taken into consideration, and how the results will be communicated to the client


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