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Question: Kai Erikson describes communities as being “boundary maintaining” (9), which means they share a defined geographic and/or cultural space.  He argues that any behavior that pushes or crosses that boundary is considered “inappropriate or immoral” (10) i.e. deviant.

17 Oct 2022,9:37 PM


1)         Eliot Aronson suggests that in social situations people often have “two important goals: the goal of being correct and the goal of staying in the good graces of the other people by living up to their expectations.  In many circumstances, both of these goals can be satisfied by a simple action” (22), but sometimes they are in conflict.  Take this idea and use it to analyze one of the pieces.  What is the tension in the text between these two goals and how do the characters resolve it, or do they?

2)         Kai Erikson describes communities as being “boundary maintaining” (9), which means they share a defined geographic and/or cultural space.  He argues that any behavior that pushes or crosses that boundary is considered “inappropriate or immoral” (10) i.e. deviant.  How might this definition help you understand any of the texts we’ve read?

3)         Look back at your 3-2-1 assignments, and chose one of the main concepts you identified and apply it to one of the texts we’ve read.  Does it help you understand the text?  Does the text act as evidence or illustration of the concept?

Expert answer


One way that the concept of a boundary-maintaining community can help us understand the texts we've read is by helping us to see how deviance is defined within those communities. By understanding that any behavior that pushes or crosses a community's boundary is considered deviant, we can better see how and why certain behaviors are seen as problematic. For example, in "The Lottery," the act of stoning someone to death is clearly an extreme form of violence that goes beyond the acceptable bounds of human behavior. Similarly, in "The Purge," the characters are faced with the decision of whether to kill or be killed, which also goes beyond the bounds of what most people would consider acceptable. In both cases, understanding the concept of a boundary-maintaining community can help us to see why the acts committed are considered deviant.


In the short story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, there is tension between the two goals of being correct and staying in the good graces of the other people. The protagonist, Mathilde Loisel, is embarrassed that she does not have anything nice to wear to a party, so her husband borrows a necklace from his friend.

Mathilde loses the necklace and spends ten years working to pay back the debt. Even though she sacrifices everything she has over those ten years, she is still not able to pay back the full amount. This causes her great shame and embarrassment. She eventually tells her husband what happened and he kills himself out of grief.

While Mathilde does achieve her goal of being correct (by paying back the debt), she does not achieve her goal of staying in the good graces of others (as they all think she is a thief).

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