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Question: KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.

21 Oct 2022,2:54 AM


KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.

  • Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign.
  • Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.
  • Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, or nodding and leaning forward.
  • Adaptors: gestures that make you feel more comfortable in a communication situation such as twirling your hair or tapping your fingers.
  • Affect Displays: facial expressions motivated by emotion such as a smile or frown.
  • In this lesson, you will venture out and observe the people around you. Tune out what they are saying and then sit back and watch. Take notes on what type of gestures (emblems, regulators, illustrators, adaptors and affect displays) are they using? How often do they use each one? Are they aware of these gestures? You will then use your notes to write a typed two-page essay describing what you witnessed. Please let us know where you were, the mall, Starbucks, work, etc.. and who was involved, two men sitting at a table…

Describe at least ten separate gestures.

  • What type?
  • What are they conveying? How many repetitions?
  • What are the circumstances?

Please include the following:

  • At least two pages typed-- MINIMUM of 675 words
  • Double spaced
  • Paragraphs, not bullets
  • Include nonverbal terminology
  • Specific examples

Expert answer


You may be surprised at how much nonverbal communication is actually going on! People use all kinds of gestures to communicate, from simple emblems like waving or pointing, to more complex illustrators that help illustrate what they're talking about. Regulators help control the flow of conversation, while adaptors help relieve stress or discomfort. And affect displays let others know how we're feeling.


Most people are unaware of the many nonverbal cues they give off every day. But by paying attention to these cues, you can start to understand the hidden meanings behind them. So the next time you're in a conversation, take a step back and observe the nonverbal communication at play!


For example, let's say you're talking to a friend about your plans for the weekend. You might use illustrators to gesture toward what you're talking about, like pointing to your calendar or drawing a picture in the air. And you might use an affect display to show how excited you are about your plans, by smiling or speaking with animation.


Your friend, on the other hand, might be using regulators to keep the conversation moving along. They might nod their head to signal that they're listening, or raise their eyebrows when they want to know more about something.


By paying attention to these nonverbal cues, you can start to get a better understanding of what someone is really saying. So next time you're in a conversation, take a step back and observe the nonverbal communication at play! 

Most people are unaware of the many nonverbal cues they give off every day. But by paying attention to these cues, you can start to understand the hidden meanings behind them. So the next time you're in a conversation, take a step back and observe the nonverbal communication at play!


For example, let's say you're talking to a friend about your plans for the weekend. You might use illustrators to gesture toward what you're talking about, like pointing to your calendar or drawing a picture in the air. And you might use an affect display to show how excited you are about your plans, by smiling or speaking with animation.


Your friend, on the other hand, might be using regulators to keep the conversation moving along. They might nod their head to signal that they're listening, or raise their eyebrows when they want to know more about something.


By paying attention to these nonverbal cues, you can start to get a better understanding of what someone is really saying. So next time you're in a conversation, take a step back and observe the nonverbal communication at play!

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