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Question: List a minimum of five benefits of using restorative practices for the STUDENTS.

30 Sep 2022,1:38 AM

After reading the Restorative Practices Guide and watching the three videos, answer the following questions:

1. Provide a definition of Restorative Practices in your OWN WORDS.

2. List a minimum of five benefits of using restorative practices for the STUDENTS.

3. List a minimum of five benefits of using restorative practices for the SCHOOL.

4. List a minimum of five activities that you saw or read about that have students participating in restorative practices in the videos and reading.

5. List a minimum of five skills that YOU AS A TEACHER would need to learn to be able to effectively implement restorative practices in your classroom.

6. REFLECTION: Based on what you read and saw in the videos, what are your thoughts about restorative practices? Do you agree or disagree? What do you think would be a challenge of implementing restorative practices? How can you address the challenge? What are some activities that you feel you could effectively use to implement restorative practices in your classroom?

Restorative Practices Guide:


Expert answer

Restorative practices are a process of repairing relationships and rebuilding a sense of community after harm has been done. This process usually involves bringing together those who have been harmed and those who caused the harm, along with other members of the community, to discuss what happened, why it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again. Restorative practices can be used in schools, workplaces, and other settings to resolve conflicts, build trust, and create a sense of belonging.

List a minimum of five benefits of using restorative practices for the STUDENTS.

1. Restorative practices help students to feel more connected to their school community.

2. Restorative practices promote positive social and emotional development in students.

3. Restorative practices improve academic achievement in students.

4. Restorative practices reduce behavioral problems in students.

5. Restorative practices foster a climate

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