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Question: Look at the Chart of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages. Pick a psychosocial stage, discuss the associated virtue and positive and negative forerunners of identity.

22 Oct 2022,1:50 AM


Look at the Chart of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages. Pick a psychosocial stage, discuss the associated virtue and positive and negative forerunners of identity. Explain the purpose of incorporating the evaluation of developmental vulnerabilities within your holistic, psychosocial assessment and treatment plan documentation.

Expert answer


Psychosocial development is a theory put forth by Erik Erikson that suggests that everyone goes through eight different stages of social and psychological development over the course of their lifetime. Each stage is characterized by a different conflict that must be resolved in order for the individual to move on to the next stage. The first stage, trust vs. mistrust, occurs during infancy and early childhood. During this stage, children must learn to trust that the world is a safe and predictable place. If they are successfully able to do so, they will develop a sense of hope. If not, they will develop a sense of despair.


The second stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, occurs during toddlerhood and early childhood. During this stage, children must learn to develop a sense of independence and self-control. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of autonomy. If not, they will develop a sense of shame and doubt.


The third stage, initiative vs. guilt, occurs during childhood and early adolescence. During this stage, children must learn to take initiative and be assertive. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of purpose. If not, they will develop a sense of guilt.


The fourth stage, industry vs. inferiority, occurs during adolescence and early adulthood. During this stage, young adults must learn to competently complete tasks and achieve goals. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of competence. If not, they will develop a sense of inferiority.


The fifth stage, identity vs. role confusion, occurs during young adulthood. During this stage, individuals must develop a sense of identity and purpose. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of fidelity. If not, they will develop a sense of role confusion.


The sixth stage, intimacy vs. isolation, occurs during adulthood. During this stage, individuals must learn to form close relationships with others. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of love and intimacy. If not, they will develop a sense of isolation and loneliness.


The seventh stage, generativity vs. stagnation, occurs during middle adulthood. During this stage, individuals must learn to care for others and make contributions to society. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of generativity. If not, they will develop a sense of stagnation.


The eighth and final stage, ego integrity vs. despair, occurs during late adulthood. During this stage, individuals must reflect on their lives and find meaning in them. If they are successful, they will develop a sense of ego integrity. If not, they will develop a sense of despair.


Erikson’s psychosocial theory is significant because it helps to explain how people grow and change throughout their lifetime. It also highlights the importance of resolving conflicts at each stage of development in order to move on to the next stage.


The virtue associated with the trust vs. mistrust stage is hope. The positive forerunners of identity are faith and optimism. The negative forerunners of identity are cynicism and despair.


The purpose of incorporating the evaluation of developmental vulnerabilities within your holistic, psychosocial assessment and treatment plan documentation is to ensure that all aspects of an individual’s development are considered when formulating a plan of care. This includes their social, emotional, and psychological needs. By taking into account all of these factors, you can provide more comprehensive and individualized care.

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