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Question: Michael Porter is famous and well respected for his deliberate and planned approach to strategy. Henry Mintzberg is an equally respected (maybe a little less famous!) strategy guru. However, Mintzberg's view offers a sharp contrast to Porter's view of strategy.

14 Oct 2022,11:40 PM


"Michael Porter is famous and well respected for his deliberate and planned approach to strategy. Henry Mintzberg is an equally respected (maybe a little less famous!) strategy guru. However, Mintzberg's view offers a sharp contrast to Porter's view of strategy. For Mintzberg, strategy is emergent. "Emergent strategy can be defined as internally consistent patterns of competitive actions and reactions that spontaneously arise over time as organizations navigate within their operating environments. ... Deliberate strategies involve a well‐articulated and formalized planning process. Emergent strategies, in contrast, are more sporadic, have short time‐frame, reactive, and show opportunistic responses to environmental conditions." (Slevin and Covin 2015, Entrepreneurship).

As we move into the third decade of the 21st century, which of these two views makes the most sense to you? Please use concrete examples to articulate your position.

Expert answer


I believe that Michael Porter's view of strategy makes more sense than Henry Mintzberg's view. Porter's approach to strategy is deliberate and planned, while Mintzberg's approach is emergent. I think that it is important for organizations to have a deliberate strategy in order to be successful.

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