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Question: “The current disenchantment with globalisation, underpinned by neo-liberalism, overemphasises its negatives and ignores the many benefits it has produced”. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss, using examples to illustrate and support your argument.

19 Oct 2022,7:40 AM


1. “The current disenchantment with globalisation, underpinned by neo-liberalism, overemphasises its negatives and ignores the many benefits it has produced”. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss, using examples to illustrate and support your argument.

2. Which GBR (government business relations) model/s do you consider most effective in achieving economic prosperity and citizen well-being? Use country example/s to illustrate and support your argument.

3. “Only socially responsible businesses, committed to social as well as profitability goals, will succeed in today’s demanding global political economy”. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss, using examples to illustrate and support your argument.

4. Governments worldwide have had to deal with challenges in governance and economic recovery in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Use country examples to illustrate and assess how such challenges are handled in a particular national context of governmentbusiness relations.

Expert answer


Though there is much disenchantment with globalization and neo-liberalism today, it is important to remember that globalization has also produced many positive outcomes. For example, globalization has led to increased trade and investment, which has in turn boosted economic growth and poverty reduction around the world. Additionally, globalization has helped to spread democracy and promote human rights. While there are undoubtedly challenges associated with globalization, we should not forget its many successes.

Globalisation has been a controversial topic in recent years. Some people argue that it has produced many benefits, while others claim that it has negative consequences.


There is no denying that globalisation has had some negative effects. For example, it has led to the outsourcing of jobs to cheaper labour markets, and this has resulted in job losses in developed countries. It has also increased inequality within and between countries.


However, it is important to remember that globalisation has also had positive effects. For example, it has made communication and travel easier and cheaper than ever before. It has also helped to spread democracy and human rights around the world. Overall, then, it is fair to say that globalisation has both positive and negative effects

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