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Question: To what extent is economic inequality an inevitable and defensible feature of a modern market-based economy?

18 Oct 2022,1:32 AM


1. How rational are economic agents? Answer with reference to neoclassical economics and its critics.
2. Under what circumstances should government intervene in markets? Answer with reference to at least two distinct types of market failure.
3. To what extent is economic inequality an inevitable and defensible feature of a modern market-based economy?

Expert answer


Economic inequality is an inevitable and defensible feature of a modern market-based economy. There are many factors that contribute to economic inequality, including the unequal distribution of resources, the differentials in access to education and opportunities, and the existence of different income levels.


While some argue that economic inequality is necessary for motivation and innovation, others contend that it stifles social mobility and creates an underclass. However, most experts agree that a certain degree of inequality is essential for a healthy economy.


In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The top 1% of earners in the United States now control 42% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 50% only own 2%. This trend is mirrored in other developed countries, such as the United Kingdom and Canada.


There are a number of reasons why economic inequality has been on the rise in recent years. One of the most important factors is globalization. As developing countries have become more integrated into the global economy, the gap between rich and poor has widened.


In addition, technological advances have made it easier for companies to automate their production processes, resulting in fewer jobs for unskilled workers. Finally, government policies in developed countries have tended to favor the wealthy, further exacerbating inequality.


Critics of economic inequality argue that it is morally wrong and detrimental to society as a whole. They point to data showing that societies with high levels of inequality tend to have lower levels of social mobility and higher levels of crime.


They also argue that inequality leads to political instability and can even lead to violence. In recent years, movements such as Occupy Wall Street and the Yellow Vests have emerged in response to rising economic inequality.


Income inequality is often cited as one of the main causes of social ills such as crime, poor health outcomes, and a lack of opportunity. While it is true that there is a correlation between income inequality and these problems, it is important to remember that correlation does not necessarily imply causation.


There are many other factors that can contribute to social ills, such as poverty, racism, and sexism. It is important to address these issues directly if we want to reduce inequality.


While economic inequality is an inevitable feature of a modern market-based economy, there are steps that can be taken to reduce its harmful effects. One way to do this is by increasing taxation on the wealthy and using the revenue to fund social welfare programs.


Another way to reduce inequality is by investing in education and job training programs, which can help to close the skills gap between rich and poor. Finally, it is important to ensure that everyone has access to basic needs such as healthcare and housing.


While some argue that economic inequality is necessary for motivation and innovation, others contend that it stifles social mobility and creates an underclass. However, most experts agree that a certain degree of inequality is essential for

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