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Question: What are the possible functions of sleep? How can you improve the quality of your sleep?

18 Oct 2022,7:42 PM


HSS1003Introduction to Psychology

Part 1 Multiple Choice (1 marks each)


Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


1.          The four goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and: d

a.          test

b.          interact

c.          observe

d.          control



2.          “I bet you will smile when you hear good news and this best illustrates the ____ goal of psychology.

a.          predict

b.          analyze

c.          explain

d.          summarize



3.          A 4th grade teacher says to one of his students, “The next time you get away from your desk, I am going to take away 5 minutes from your recess time.” This example best illustrates the ____ goal of psychology.

a.          describe

b.          explain

c.          predict

d.          control



4.          A biological perspective of a mental disorder may suggest that:

a.          a mental disorder is the result of traumatic experiences

b.          distorted perception is the main cause of mental disorder

c.          mental disorders can often be traced to brain dysfunction

d.          poor stress management techniques are the main cause of most mental disorders




5.          As the professor hands him the exam, Andre thinks to himself, “Oh, if I don’t do well on this exam, I’ll lose my scholarship. And if I lose my scholarship...” Andre is clearly worrying about his performance. This is an example of the ____ component of test anxiety.

a.          biological

b.          cognitive

c.          behavioral

d.          psychoanalytic




6.          You hear a motivational speaker who suggests that people need to modify their environment to change behavior. You detect a hint of the ____ perspective in the speech.

a.          cognitive

b.          behavioral

c.          psychoanalytic

d.          cross-cultural



7.          Select the set of words that are most closely related to the psychoanalytic approach?

a.          cerebellum, palmar sweating, serotonin

b.          personal growth, freedom, potential

c.          unconscious, dream interpretation, anxiety

d.          reinforcement, punishment, behavior









8.          Which school of thought discusses behavior in terms of a person’s potential for growth and self-fulfillment?

a.          psychoanalytical

b.          behavioral

c.          cognitive

d.          humanistic




             9.          An implication of the humanistic perspective for teachers is to:

a.          reinforce appropriate behavior and punish inappropriate behavior

b.          help students to develop more faith in their subjective feelings

c.          help students identify unconscious motives for their procrastination

d.          help students to explain success in terms of luck




10.        The cross-cultural approach to psychology studies the influence of ____ on psychological functioning.

a.          brain chemistry

b.          information processing

c.          cultural and ethnic similarities and differences

d.          automatic behaviors and deeply ingrained habits




             11.        The evolutionary approach explains behavior and mental processes by focusing on:

a.          unconscious factors

b.          adaptation and natural selection

c.          learned behavior

d.          biological influences




             12.        Franklin suffers from schizophrenia and requires medication. The best person for Franklin to consult would be a(n):

a.          clinical psychologist

b.          experimental psychologist

c.          cognitive psychologist

d.          psychiatrist




13.        The research area of psychology most likely to study stereotypes, group behavior, and aggression is:

a.          social psychology

b.          psychometrics

c.          clinical psychology

d.          developmental psychology



14.        Changes in self-esteem through puberty and adolescence would be studied by what type of psychologist?

a.          clinical

b.          experimental

c.          developmental

d.          social



15.        Which of the following research areas of psychology combines knowledge of the brain’s functions with computer programming to attempt to duplicate “human” thinking and intelligence?

a.          cognitive psychology

b.          psychiatry

c.          experimental psychology

d.          psychometrics




16.        Which research method involves questioning a group of people?

a.          experimental method

b.          naturalistic observation

c.          survey method

d.          laboratory observation



17.        One disadvantage of survey research is that:

a.          they take too much time

b.          the sample may not represent the general population

c.          you cannot compare answers across different ethnic groups

d.          they can only reach a small number of people



18.        What research method can be described as an in-depth analysis of a single person?

a.          case study

b.          correlation

c.          survey method

d.          experimental method



19.        A man claims he was cured of a serious disease through meditation and jogging. His claim is an example of:

a.          a survey

b.          a testimonial

c.          naturalistic observation

d.          laboratory observation




20.        Juan has been smoking for years and really wants to quit. He decided to buy a specially formulated vitamin that he saw advertised on TV. Since he has taken the vitamin, his urge to smoke has disappeared. Juan is most likely to have experienced a(n):

a.          placebo effect

b.          double blind effect

c.          experimenter effect

d.          dependent effect




21.        A newspaper article reports that crime increases each month when the moon is full. This relationship is a(n):

a.          testimonial

b.          Experiment

c.          Survey

d.          Correlation



22.        What does correlation tell us?

a.          the order in which variables occur

b.          which variables influence other variables

c.          what causes change in a variable

d.          the relationship and strength of relationship between two or more variables




23.        Which of the following correlation coefficients represents a situation in which an increase in one variable is associated with a decrease in the other variable?

a.          +.90

b.          +.30

c.          .00

d.          .70



24.        Correlations are not appropriate to ____ but are useful to ____.

a.          predict behavior; make cause and effect statements

b.          make cause and effect statements; pinpoint confounding effects

c.          evaluate testimonials; evaluate surveys

d.          make cause and effect statements; make predictions about behavior



25.        If a researcher wants to study a behavior in a controlled environment, the researcher should utilize a(n):

a.          laboratory experiment

b.          testimonial

c.          naturalistic study

d.          case study



26.        Scientists have genetically altered mice to have extra receptors in their brain that respond to chemicals related to schizophrenia. The research technique used by these scientists is the:

a.          case study

b.          testimonial

c.          naturalistic study

d.          animal model




27.        Which one of the following has the lowest potential for error or bias?

a.          case study

b.          survey

c.          experiment

d.          testimonial



28.        Naturalistic setting is to laboratory setting as ____ is to ____.

a.          independent variable; dependent variable

b.          real-life setting; controlled setting

c.          dependent variable; independent variable

d.          controlled setting; real-life setting



29.        The scientific method attempts to:

a.          propose theoretical ideas to answer questions

b.          minimize errors and bias in gathering information and answering questions

c.          promote common sense understanding

d.          dispute common sense by forcing scientists to do experiments



30.        To determine cause and effect relationships, you are best advised to conduct a(n):

a.          correlation

b.          experiment

c.          case study

d.          interview



31.        The continuum of consciousness ranges from:

a.          acute awareness to total unawareness

b.          limited awareness to fantasizing

c.          automatic processes to altered states

d.          unconsciousness to dreaming



32.        Activities that require little awareness, take minimal attention, and do not interfere with other ongoing activities are called:

a.          implicit activities

b.          altered states of consciousness

c.          automatic processes

d.          unconsciousness



33.        A person who is classified as being in a vegetative state:

a.          has no awareness or responsiveness

b.          is temporarily unconscious

c.          is considered to be in an altered state

d.          is capable of mental processes




34.        You have internal timing devices set for hours, a single day, and for many days. These are:

a.          biological clocks

b.          lunar clocks

c.          biorhythms

d.          circadian rhythms




35  .      How does the body reset its genetically preset sleep-wake circadian clock to the 24 hour day?

a.          morning light enters the eye and is sent to the basal ganglia

b.          morning light enters the eye and is sent to the suprachiasmatic nucleus

c.          the sound of the clock alarm resets the circadian clock

d.          eating breakfast in the morning resets hormonal levels




36.        If your circadian rhythm becomes out of step with clock time, you experience a phenomenon known as:

a.          sleep spindles

b.          activation-synthesis

c.          paradoxical sleep

d.          jet lag



37.        What hormone is thought to play a role in circadian rhythms?

a.          dopamine

b.          melatonin

c.          estrogen

d.          prolixin



38.        Sleep is divided into stages by examining a person’s:

a.          activity level during sleep

b.          dream activity

c.          circadian rhythms

d.          EEG pattern



39.        As we fall deeper into sleep, our brain waves tend to:

a.          remain unaltered

b.          slow down

c.          flatten out

d.          speed up



40.        REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because:

a.          the body does not need REM sleep, but does need regular sleep

b.          although asleep, the brain waves are identical to those recorded awake

c.          dreams often make no sense to the individual once they are awake

d.          REM sleep occurs immediately following Stage 1 sleep and immediately before Stage 2 sleep



41.        Of the following ordered stages, which most resembles the first hour or so of a typical night of sleep?

a.          1, 2, 3, 4, REM

b.          1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM

c.          1, 2, 3, REM, 4, REM

d.          1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, REM



42.        The most difficult Non-REM stage to awaken someone from is:

a.          Stage 1

b.          Stage 2

c.          Stage 3

d.          Stage 4



43.        What happens to body temperature from the time we get up in the morning?

a.          declines throughout the day

b.          rises throughout the day, peaks, and then declines

c.          rises throughout the day but only in a morning person

d.          rises throughout the day but only in an evening person



44.        As one-year-old Gabriella grows up through adolescence, the percentage of time spent in REM will:

a.          dramatically fluctuate and stabilize around 25 years of age

b.          remain the same

c.          gradually increase

d.          gradually decline





45.        Sleep deprivation appears to negatively affect:

a.          blood pressure

b.          heart rate

c.          immune system functioning

d.          hormone secretions



46         Learning can be best defined as:

a.          a change in behavior related to mental events

b.          a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge resulting from experience

c.          an improvement in abilities resulting from formal instruction

d.          the acquisition of information through research



47 .       Classical conditioning would be best suited to answer which of the following questions?

a.          Why do we repeat behaviors when they are followed by something good?

b.          Why do children know a lot about driving a car before their first time behind the wheel?

c.          Why do some people associate certain foods with nausea?

d.          Why are some animals difficult to train to perform certain kinds of behavior?



48.        Unconditioned is to conditioned as ____ is to ____.

a.          food; salivation

b.          reflex; learned

c.          response; stimulus

d.          learned; reflex




             49.        Which of the following is not a step in classical conditioning?

a.          selecting stimulus and response

b.          establishing the conditioned response

c.          determining schedule of reinforcement

d.          testing for conditioning



50.        In Pavlov’s study, the neutral stimulus was:

a.          food

b.          a tone (bell)

c.          salivation

d.          fear



51.        A response that is inborn and automatically elicited by an unconditioned stimulus is called a(n) ____ response.

a.          learned

b.          imprinted

c.          unconditioned

d.          neutral



52.        Paul is trying to remember the procedure used to establish classical conditioning. He would be best to remember:8

a.          CS, UCS, UCR

b.          CS, CR

c.          UCR, UCS, neutral stimulus

d.          neutral stimulus, UCS, UCR




53.        Which of the following is an example of a reflex?

a.          neutral stimulus CS

b.          CS CR           

c.          UCR UCS

d.          UCS UCR



54.        Jacob has a drinking problem and is given a drug that makes him feel nauseated when he ingests alcohol. After becoming sick several times when having a beer at a bar after work, Jacob becomes nauseated while driving past a bar. In this example, the bar can be considered the:

a.          unconditioned stimulus

b.          unconditioned response

c.          conditioned stimulus

d.          conditioned response



55.        If conditioning has taken place, the neutral stimulus becomes the:

a.          unconditioned response

b.          conditioned response

c.          conditioned stimulus

d.          operant


56.        What does the subject learn in classical conditioning?

a.          CR predicts the UCS.

b.          The neutral stimulus predicts the CR.

c.          The UCS predicts the UCR.

d.          The neutral stimulus predicts the UCS.



57.        If you’ve been classically conditioned to be afraid of German shepherd dogs, but not afraid of poodles, this illustrates:

a.          generalization

b.          extinction

c.          discrimination

d.          spontaneous recovery



             58.        Extinction, in classical conditioning terminology, refers to:

a.          the generalization of a CR to many different stimuli, resulting in a constant UCR

b.          the unlearning of a CR via counterconditioning

c.          the disappearance of a CR when the CS is no longer paired with the UCS

d.          the forgetting of a UCR after a long time has elapsed



59.        In an experiment in which tones are generally followed by a puff of air directed at the subject’s eyes, repeated presentation of a tone without being followed by a puff of air on the eye would probably result in:

a.          classical conditioning

b.          extinction

c.          discrimination

d.          generalization



60.        Of the following words, which one is most descriptive of the contiguity theory of classical conditioning?

a.          substitute

b.          pair

c.          predict

d.          Subtract




Part 2 Short Questions


1. What are the four goals of psychology?  (10 marks) How psychology can contribute to the development of modern society? Use one daily news/ example to illustrate your answers. (10 marks)





2. What is science? Why psychologists adopt a scientific approach in their studies? (10 marks)




3. What are the possible functions of sleep? How can you improve the quality of your sleep? (10 marks)

Expert answer


There are a number of possible functions of sleep, including:


– Rest and recovery: Sleep provides an opportunity for the body to rest and recover from the day’s activities.


– Energy conservation: Sleep may help to conserve energy by reducing activity levels.


– Brain plasticity: Sleep may be important for brain plasticity, which is thought to be involved in learning and memory.


– Hormone regulation: Sleep may help to regulate hormones, including those involved in stress and appetite.


It is likely that sleep serves all of these functions, and more, in some way. However, the exact mechanisms by which sleep contributes to these functions are still not fully understood.


There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep, including creating a bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. You might also want to consider using a noise machine or white noise app to help you fall asleep, investing in a comfortable mattress and pillow, and blackout curtains to create a dark environment.


There are many possible functions of sleep, including restoring energy levels, consolidating memories, and reducing stress. Many people find that they sleep better when they maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and create a relaxing bedtime routine. Some people also find it helpful to limit their exposure to blue light in the evening by using dimmer lighting or wearing blue-light blocking glasses.

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