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Question: What should be done to address the challenge of environmental arsenic in India?

13 Oct 2022,1:45 AM


What should be done to address the challenge of environmental arsenic in India?

Expert answer


One approach to addressing the challenge of environmental arsenic in India is to install water filtration systems in areas that are known to have high levels of arsenic in the water. This would help to reduce the amount of arsenic that people are exposed to on a daily basis. Additionally, it is important to educate people about the dangers of arsenic exposure and how they can lower their risk by taking certain precautions. Some of these include using only safe water for drinking and cooking, avoiding contaminated foods, and wearing protective clothing when working in areas where arsenic exposure is likely.


It is also important to monitor the levels of arsenic in the environment and to take steps to reduce them when they are found to be high. This can be done by reducing the use of arsenic-containing chemicals, improving waste management practices, and increasing public awareness about the dangers of environmental arsenic. By taking these steps, it will be possible to protect the health of those living in areas affected by arsenic contamination.

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