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Question: Which Organs are affected by cystic fibrosis? What are the symptoms of this genetic disorder? You may wish to use illustrations to explain.

13 Oct 2022,2:55 AM


Which Organs are affected by cystic fibrosis? What are the symptoms of this genetic disorder? You may wish to use illustrations to explain.

Next, explain to Sarah and Michael as to how cystic fibrosis works at the level of a cell. You may wish to use a drawing or not

Draw Labeled pedigrees showing the possible family histories for CF in Sarah and Michael’s families. Be sure to distinguish between individuals with the disease, those that are carriers for the disease, and individuals who do not possess a copy of the disease allele for this part, consider the real world context, where there are yet to be established patient data to use for these pedigrees. You may need more than one pedigree to develop a professional educative response. You should also explain why at this stage that there are currently some limitations to your pedigree in terms of unknowns 

With respect to your above pedigrees, would there be a difference to the inheritance outcomes of cystic fibrosis if the medical situation was switched between Sarah and Michael (in other words, switched families where Michael had the younger sister mentioned and Sarah with the younger brother (there is no change in gender with this switch))? Would gender be a factor to consider? What would be different if inheritance was influenced by biological gender? What would this type of inheritance be called in the profession? Explain why to Sarah and Michael. You may need more than one pedigree tree to develop a professional educative response

Part 2 is about Punnett squares and how such squares are used in genetics. Punnett squares are great visual tools for demonstrating features of inheritance as well as visualizing the mathematical side of inheritance. So construct a Punnett square to demonstrate why Sarah concluded that she and Michael could not have an affected child (assuming that she does not carry a CF mutation). Explain to Sarah and Michael as to how they should use your Punnett square.

If Sarah were a carrier, what would be the chance that she and Michael would have an effected child? Using your newly constructed Punnett square, explain to Sarah and Michael as to how one uses the Punnett square to derive probabilities for the different inheritance outcomes

Again, in the context of Punnett squares only, would your Punnett square outcomes be different if the medical situation was switched between Sarah and Michael, such as that dealt with part 1. (meaning Sarah in Michael’s position with the affected younger brother and family, and Michael in Sarah’s position with the affected younger sister and family again there is no change in gender with this switch)? Again explain why to Sarah and Michael?

Expert answer


Cystic fibrosis affects the lungs and digestive system. It can cause a lot of problems like coughing, chest infections, and difficulty breathing. Some people with cystic fibrosis also have problems digesting food properly because of the build-up of mucus in their intestines. Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening condition, but with early diagnosis and treatment, many people with the condition now live into their 30s, 40s, and beyond.


There is no cure for cystic fibrosis, but there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms and slow down the progression of the condition. Treatment usually involves a combination of medication, physiotherapy, and a good diet. In some cases, surgery may also be necessary.


If you have cystic fibrosis, it is important to see your doctor regularly so that they can monitor your condition and make sure you are receiving the best possible treatment. There are also a number of support groups and organisations available to help people with cystic fibrosis and their families.

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