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Question: Why does a leader need to identify, in a proactive manner, the various voices in organizational systems and integrate this variety of perspectives into planning and decision-making activities?

09 Oct 2022,10:39 PM


Why does a leader need to identify, in a proactive manner, the various voices in organizational systems and integrate this variety of perspectives into planning and decision-making activities? What is the best way to achieve this outcome? Provide examples to support your discussion​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​.

Expert answer


A leader needs to identify the various voices in organizational systems in order to ensure that all perspectives are considered when making decisions. By integrating this variety of perspectives into planning and decision-making activities, the leader can ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the organization.


One important way to identify the various voices in organizational systems is to use a technique called "voice mapping." This involves plotting out the different perspectives on a graph or chart, with each perspective represented by a different color or symbol. By doing this, leaders can quickly and easily see where there are disagreements or areas of agreement amongst the different voices. Additionally, voice mapping can help leaders to identify which voices are most influential in the decision-making process, and which ones may need more attention.


When using voice mapping, it is important to consider the following factors:


The source of the voice: Is it coming from an individual, a group, or an institution?


The type of voice: Is it positive or negative?

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