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Question: You are a policy advisor to a United Nations agency dedicated to the cause of “good government.”...

25 May 2024,8:10 AM

You are a policy advisor to a United Nations agency dedicated to the cause of “good government.” You are asked to prepare a brief to help them think about this problem by discussing the extent to which “good government” is or should be synonymous with democracy, if at all. Does it presuppose some form of democracy? Can you have good government without democracy? Why or why not?





The concept of "good government" is foundational to the discourse on political science, governance, and public administration. In its essence, good government encompasses elements such as transparency, accountability, rule of law, inclusiveness, and effective public service delivery. However, the relationship between good government and democracy is complex and multifaceted. This brief aims to critically explore whether good government is synonymous with democracy and if it presupposes some form of democratic governance. Through an in-depth analysis, this paper will argue that while democracy often provides a conducive framework for good government, it is not an absolute prerequisite. Good government can exist in non-democratic regimes, although these instances are rare and often temporary due to inherent structural limitations.

Defining Good Government and Democracy

To understand the relationship between good government and democracy, it is essential to define both concepts and explore their core principles.

Good government is characterized by the principles of transparency, accountability, efficiency, rule of law, and inclusiveness. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), good governance is "the exercise of political, economic, and administrative authority to manage a nation's affairs" and involves processes and institutions that produce results meeting the needs of society while making the best use of resources . 

Democracy, on the other hand, is a system of government where power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. It is built on principles of political equality, participation, majority rule, and protection of minority rights. Robert Dahl’s concept of polyarchy, which includes elements like inclusive participation and public contestation, provides a useful framework for understanding democracy .

While both good government and democracy emphasize accountability and inclusiveness, they are distinct concepts. Good government pertains to the quality of governance irrespective of the system, while democracy specifically refers to a system of governance where power lies with the people.

The Argument for Democracy as a Foundation for Good Government

Democracy is often argued to be the best foundation for good government due to its inherent mechanisms of accountability, transparency, and inclusiveness.

Democracy provides a structural framework that inherently promotes good governance principles. Accountability is a cornerstone of democratic systems, facilitated through regular elections, a free press, and active civil society. For example, in the United States, the system of checks and balances ensures that no single branch of government can monopolize power, thereby promoting transparency and accountability . 

The principle of inclusiveness in democracy ensures that all groups in society, including minorities, have a voice in the decision-making process. The Scandinavian countries, known for their strong democratic institutions, exemplify this inclusiveness, resulting in high levels of public trust and effective governance . 

Furthermore, democratic systems allow for public contestation and participation, which are essential for identifying and rectifying governance issues. The role of an independent judiciary and a free press in exposing corruption and maladministration further reinforces good governance in democratic settings.

The inherent characteristics of democracy—accountability, inclusiveness, and public participation—create a conducive environment for good government. Historical and contemporary examples from democratic nations underscore this relationship.

Good Government Without Democracy: Possibilities and Limitations

While democracy provides a conducive environment for good government, there are instances where non-democratic regimes have demonstrated elements of good governance.

There are notable examples where non-democratic regimes have achieved significant levels of good governance. Singapore, under the leadership of Lee Kuan Yew, is often cited as a prime example. Despite being an authoritarian regime, Singapore has demonstrated remarkable levels of efficiency, low corruption, and high standards of public service delivery . The government’s focus on meritocracy and long-term planning has contributed to its success.

Similarly, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), though not a democracy, has achieved high levels of development and public satisfaction through effective governance and strategic vision. The UAE’s government has prioritized infrastructure development, public services, and economic diversification, resulting in a high quality of life for its citizens .

However, these examples are exceptions rather than the rule. Non-democratic regimes often lack the structural checks and balances necessary to sustain good governance in the long term. The absence of accountability mechanisms can lead to corruption, nepotism, and abuse of power. For instance, despite its initial success, the Soviet Union’s authoritarian governance ultimately led to widespread corruption, inefficiency, and eventual collapse .

While good government can exist in non-democratic regimes, such instances are rare and often short-lived. The lack of accountability and inclusiveness in non-democratic systems poses significant risks to sustainable good governance.

Structural and Cultural Factors Influencing Good Government

The effectiveness of good government is influenced by various structural and cultural factors that can either support or hinder its implementation.

Structural factors such as legal frameworks, institutional capacity, and political culture play a crucial role in determining the quality of governance. Countries with robust legal frameworks and strong institutions are better equipped to implement good governance practices. For instance, Germany’s strong legal system and efficient bureaucracy contribute to its reputation for good governance .

Cultural factors, including societal values and norms, also impact governance quality. Societies with a high level of social capital and civic engagement are more likely to experience good governance. The Nordic countries, with their high levels of trust and civic participation, exemplify how cultural factors can support effective governance .

Conversely, in countries with weak institutions and low levels of civic engagement, good governance is harder to achieve. In many developing countries, corruption, patronage, and weak rule of law undermine efforts to establish good governance .

Structural and cultural factors significantly influence the effectiveness of good government. Robust institutions and supportive cultural norms enhance governance quality, while their absence poses significant challenges.

The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Good Government

International organizations play a critical role in promoting good government by providing frameworks, resources, and support to national governments.

Organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have developed various programs and initiatives aimed at promoting good governance. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 16, emphasize the importance of peace, justice, and strong institutions as foundations for sustainable development .

The World Bank’s Governance and Institutional Development program provides technical assistance, funding, and policy advice to help countries improve their governance structures. For example, the World Bank’s support for anti-corruption initiatives in Nigeria has led to significant improvements in transparency and accountability .

Additionally, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Transparency International play a crucial role in advocating for good governance and holding governments accountable. Their Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) serves as a benchmark for assessing governance quality across countries .

International organizations contribute significantly to the promotion of good government by offering frameworks, resources, and advocacy. Their efforts help enhance governance practices in both democratic and non-democratic regimes.


In conclusion, while democracy often provides a conducive framework for good government due to its inherent mechanisms of accountability, inclusiveness, and public participation, it is not an absolute prerequisite. Good government can exist in non-democratic regimes, although these instances are rare and often temporary due to inherent structural limitations.

The analysis has shown that the principles of good government—transparency, accountability, efficiency, rule of law, and inclusiveness—can be supported by both democratic and non-democratic systems. However, the structural and cultural factors, as well as the role of international organizations, play a crucial role in determining the quality of governance.

Ultimately, the pursuit of good government should focus on strengthening institutional frameworks, promoting civic engagement, and ensuring accountability mechanisms, irrespective of the political system. By doing so, nations can strive towards effective and sustainable governance that meets the needs of their citizens.


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