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Question: 1​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​. Using examples explain the characteristics of Oligopoly market structures 2. What is game theory?

30 Oct 2022,6:32 PM


1​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​. Using examples explain the characteristics of Oligopoly market structures 2. What is game theory? 3. Given the restrictions on collusion in the US​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​, what techniques do Oligopoly firms use to stay competitive and in business? Answer these questions before responding to two posts from other student​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​s

Expert answer


There are four main types of market structures: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Perfect competition is a market structure where there are many firms competing against each other and no one firm has a significant market share. Monopolistic competition is a market structure where there are many firms competing against each other but each firm has a small share of the market. Oligopoly is a market structure where there are only a few firms in the market. Monopoly is a market structure where there is only one firm in the market.


Oligopoly is characterized by high barriers to entry, product differentiation, and interdependence among firms. High barriers to entry mean that it is difficult for new firms to enter the market. Product differentiation means that each firm offers a slightly different product. Interdependence among firms means that the actions of one firm will affect the other firms in the market.


Oligopoly is a difficult market structure to analyze because of the interdependence among firms. Each firm must take into account the actions of the other firms when making decisions. Game theory is often used to analyze oligopoly markets.


There are two types of oligopoly: pure and impure. Pure oligopoly is a market where there are only a few firms and all of them sell the same product. Impure oligopoly is a market where there are only a few firms but each firm sells a slightly different product.


Oligopolies can be unstable because of the interdependence among firms. If one firm decides to lower prices, the other firms will likely follow suit and the market can become unstable.


What is game theory?


Game theory is the study of how people interact with each other. It can be used to understand everything from economic behavior to political behavior. Game theory is a way of thinking about situations in which people have to make decisions that affect each other.


In game theory, there are two types of games: cooperative and non-cooperative. Cooperative games are games in which people can cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal. Non-cooperative games are games in which people cannot cooperate with each other and must compete against each other.


One of the most famous cooperative games is the prisoners’ dilemma. In this game, two prisoners are arrested and put in separate cells. They are both offered the same deal: if they both confess, they will each get a five-year sentence. If one prisoner confesses and the other does not, the confessor will go free and the other prisoner will get a 10-year sentence. If neither of them confesses, they will each get a two-year sentence.


The prisoners’ dilemma is a game because each prisoner has to make a decision that affects the other prisoner. The dilemma is that if both prisoners cooperate by not confessing, they will do better than if they both defect by confessing. But if one prisoner defects while the other cooperates, the defector will do better than the cooperator. So each prisoner has an incentive to defect, even though it is not in their best interest to do so.


The prisoners’ dilemma is an example of a non-cooperative game because the prisoners cannot cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal. They can only compete against each other.


Game theory can be used to understand how people make decisions in all kinds of situations, not just games. It can be used to understand economic behavior, political behavior, and even our personal behavior. Game theory can help us to understand why people sometimes make decisions that are not in their best interest, and it can help us to find ways to encourage people to cooperate with each other instead of competing against each other.

Oligopolies are often regulated by government agencies to prevent collusion and ensure competition. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a government agency that regulates oligopolies in the United States.


Oligopoly is a difficult market structure to analyze, but it is important to understand because it is prevalent in the real world. Oligopolies can be unstable, but they are often regulated by government agencies. Game theory is often used to analyze oligopoly markets.


There are many different market structures that can be found in our economy. One type of market structure is an oligopoly. An oligopoly is a market form consisting of a small number of firms that dominate the market. The word oligopoly is derived from the Greek words "oligos" and "polein" which mean "few" and "to sell".


In an oligopoly, there are a few firms that control the entire market. These firms have a very large share of the market and they are able to set prices. There is little competition in this type of market because it is so difficult for new firms to enter the market.


One example of an oligopoly is the automobile industry. There are only a few firms that dominate this market. These firms are able to set prices and there is little competition from other firms.


Another example of an oligopoly is the airline industry. There are only a few large airlines that control this market. They are able to set prices and there is little competition from other airlines.


Oligopolies can be found in many different industries. Some other examples include the banking industry, the insurance industry, and the telecommunications industry.


There are several characteristics of oligopoly markets. One characteristic is that there are only a few firms in the market. This gives these firms a lot of power over the market. Another characteristic is that these firms are able to set prices. This means that they can charge whatever

There are many different market structures that can be found in our economy. One type of market structure is an oligopoly. An oligopoly is a market form consisting of a small number of firms that dominate the market. The word oligopoly is derived from the Greek words "oligos" and "polein" which mean "few" and "to sell".


In an oligopoly, there are a few firms that control the entire market. These firms have a very large share of the market and they are able to set prices. There is little competition in this type of market because it is so difficult for new firms to enter the market.


One example of an oligopoly is the automobile industry. There are only a few firms that dominate this market. These firms are able to set prices and there is little competition from other firms.


Another example of an oligopoly is the airline industry. There are only a few large airlines that control this market. They are able to set prices and there is little competition from other airlines.


Oligopolies can be found in many different industries. Some other examples include the banking industry, the insurance industry, and the telecommunications industry.


There are several characteristics of oligopoly markets. One characteristic is that there are only a few firms in the market. This gives these firms a lot of power over the market. Another characteristic is that these firms are able to set prices. This means that they can charge whatever

There are many different market structures that can be found in our economy. One type of market structure is an oligopoly. An oligopoly is a market form consisting of a small number of firms that dominate the market. The word oligopoly is derived from the Greek words "oligos" and "polein" which mean "few" and "to sell".


In an oligopoly, there are a few firms that control the entire market. These firms have a very large share of the market and they are able to set prices. There is little competition in this type of market because it is so difficult for new firms to enter the market.


One example of an oligopoly is the automobile industry. There are only a few firms that dominate this market. These firms are able to set prices and there is little competition from other firms.


Another example of an oligopoly is the airline industry. There are only a few large airlines that control this market. They are able to set prices and there is little competition from other airlines.


Oligopolies can be found in many different industries. Some other examples include the banking industry, the insurance industry, and the telecommunications industry.


There are several characteristics of oligopoly markets. One characteristic is that there are only a few firms in the market. This gives these firms a lot of power over the market. Another characteristic is that these firms are able to set prices. This means that they can charge whatever

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