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Question: Analyse and evaluate the most important academic writing skills which students should develop in order to write effectively at university.

11 Oct 2022,12:08 AM


Analyse and evaluate the most important academic writing skills which students should develop in order to write effectively at university. You must consider some of the skills which we have discussed over the semester and also refer to some of the sources in the reading list.

Expert answer


In order to write effectively at university, students need to develop important academic writing skills. These skills include being able to plan and organise their thoughts, develop a strong argument, use evidence to support their points, and write in a clear and concise way. While academic writing can be a challenge, there are a number of things that students can do to improve their writing skills.


1. Plan and organise your thoughts


When you sit down to write an essay or assignment, it is important to take the time to plan and organise your thoughts. This means brainstorming ideas, developing a thesis statement or main argument, and creating an outline of the points you want to make. By taking the time to plan your work, you will find it much easier to write in a clear and concise way.


2. Develop a strong argument


A key part of academic writing is developing a strong argument. This means making sure that all of your points support your thesis statement and are logically connected. When writing your essay, be sure to back up your points with evidence from reliable sources. This will make your argument more convincing and will help you earn higher marks.


3. Use evidence to support your points


As well as using evidence to support your argument, it is also important to use evidence to illustrate your points. When you are making an assertion, be sure to provide concrete examples that illustrate what you are saying. This will make your writing more persuasive and will help readers understand your point of view.


4. Write in a clear and concise way


Academic writing can be dense and complex, but it is important to write in a clear and concise way. This means using simple language and avoiding unnecessary jargon. It is also important to be as concise as possible in your writing. This means avoiding long, rambling sentences and sticking to the point.


5. Edit and proofread your work


Once you have finished writing your essay or assignment, it is important to take the time to edit and proofread your work. This will help you identify any mistakes or errors in your work and correct them before you submit your work for assessment. Editing and proofreading can be time-consuming, but it is worth doing if you want to get the best possible results.

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