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Question: Analyze the need to network with private and nongovernmental entities in democratic governance.

08 Oct 2022,2:28 AM


Analyze the need to network with private and nongovernmental entities in democratic governance. Interpret why public managers collaborate and issues inhibiting collaboration.

O’Leary, Rosemary and Lisa Bingham, eds. (2009) The Collaborative Public Manager: New Ideas for the Twenty-First Century. Georgetown University Press: Washington D.C.

Agranoff, Robert and Michael McGuire (2001) “American Federalism and the Search for Models of Management.” Public Administration Review 61(November/December):671-681
Bovaird, T. (2004) “Public –Private Partnerships: From Contested Concepts to Prevalent Practice.” International Review of Administrative Sciences 70(2):199-215
Gazley, Beth (2008) “The Scope and Nature of Informal Government – Nonprofit Partnerships.” Public Administration Review 68(1):141-154

Expert answer


In order to ensure the effective functioning of a democracy, it is necessary to network with both private and nongovernmental entities. Private entities can provide essential goods and services that are not traditionally provided by the government, such as healthcare and education. Nongovernmental entities can provide important civic functions, such as voter education and election monitoring. By networking with both types of entities, governments can ensure that all aspects of democratic governance are functioning effectively.


It is also important for governments to build strong relationships with the media. The media plays a vital role in democracy, providing citizens with information about their government and holding it accountable. If the media is not free and independent, it cannot effectively perform its watchdog function. Therefore, it is essential for governments to create an environment in which the media can operate freely and without fear of retribution.


Finally, it is important for governments to protect the rights of all citizens. In a democracy, all citizens are equal before the law and have the right to participate in the political process. If some citizens are discriminated against or excluded from the political process, democracy will not function properly. Therefore, it is essential for governments to ensure that all citizens have equal

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