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Question: As described by King (be sure to make extensive reference to Nonviolence and Racial Justice), what is nonviolence, and why was it an effective tool for activism?

01 Nov 2022,8:48 PM


Read "Martin Luther King Jr. and Nonviolence,” in Let Nobody Turn Us Around, 377-383, and answer the following questions:
1. As described by King (be sure to make extensive reference to Nonviolence and Racial Justice), what is nonviolence, and why was it an effective tool for activism?
2. What made King's "I Have a Dream" speech an effective representation for the Civil Rights movement?
3. Is King engaging in respectability politics in "I Have A Dream"? How/how not??

Expert answer


Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. It is a strategy that rejects all forms of physical violence, whether directed at oneself or others, in an attempt to achieve social or political goals. Nonviolent activists believe that their cause is just and that they have a moral obligation to fight for it through peaceful means. They also believe that violence ultimately does more harm than good, both to those who are fighting and to the cause itself.


King described nonviolence as "a powerful and just weapon which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it." He believed that it was an effective tool for activism because it allowed protesters to maintain their dignity while still making a powerful statement. Additionally, he felt that violence would only serve to further divide the country and that, ultimately, it would be the African American community who would suffer the most from it.


King's philosophy of nonviolence was heavily influenced by the teachings of Gandhi. He believed that Gandhi had "shown that a new order of society can emerge only when people are willing to fight for it using nonviolent means." King saw Gandhi's success in leading the Indian independence movement as proof that nonviolence could be an effective tool for social change. Additionally, he felt that Gandhi's example showed that it was possible for people of different races and cultures to live together in harmony.


While King believed that nonviolence was a powerful tool for social change, he also understood that it was not always possible to achieve one's goals without resorting to violence. In his essay "Nonviolence and Racial Justice," he wrote that "there are some instances when the use of force is morally justifiable." He gave the example of self-defense, saying that "a person has a right to defend himself against an attacker." However, he cautioned that violence should only be used as a last resort and that it must be carefully considered before it is used.


King's philosophy of nonviolence ultimately helped to shape the Civil Rights Movement. His belief that all people are worthy of respect and dignity inspired many others to fight for equality. Additionally, his insistence on using peaceful means to achieve social change helped to set the tone for the movement and make it more effective. The success of the Civil Rights Movement ultimately proved that nonviolence can be an powerful tool for change.

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