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Question: Bandura’s work brings up something I’ve noticed more and more, the presence of children at ultra-violent movies and increased violence in video games.

29 Oct 2022,8:16 AM


Bandura’s work brings up something I’ve noticed more and more, the presence of children at ultra-violent movies and increased violence in video games. Some people assert children are being exposed to too much violence, while others believe that children could be educated about the difference between real and make-believe violence. Based on what you've learned in this course and on your outside readings, what do you make of these very different positions?

Expert answer


One of the most controversial aspects of modern media is the amount of violence that children are exposed to. On one side, some people believe that children are being desensitized to violence and that this could lead to real-world violence. On the other side, others believe that children can distinguish between fantasy and reality, and that exposing them to violence can actually be beneficial.


So, what does the research say?


According to Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment, children who are exposed to violence are more likely to act violently themselves. This suggests that exposure to violence can lead to increased aggression in children. However, it’s important to note that the Bobo Doll Experiment was conducted with very young children who may not have been able to distinguish between fantasy and reality.


More recent research, such as the work of Brad Bushman, has found that violent video games can increase aggression in children and adolescents. However, this research has also found that education about the difference between fantasy and reality can reduce the effects of violent media on children.


Overall, the research suggests that exposure to violence can lead to increased aggression in children, but that education about the difference between fantasy and reality can mitigate these effects.

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