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Question: Casualty #1- US Soldier with severe blunt head injury, is unresponsive, and has blunt abdominal and pelvic trauma

20 Mar 2024,7:24 PM


EMSA 2321-Medical Legal Ethics for a Combat Paramedic 3 Semester Hours Assignment: Ethical Essay
You are a Combat Paramedic in an Austere location, with delayed evacuation, and with limited equipment. You have received two casualties at your forward deployed location.

Casualty #1- US Soldier with severe blunt head injury, is unresponsive, and has blunt abdominal and pelvic trauma. The patient was a determined to be non-responder at POI following pelvic binder application, one unit of low-titer cold stored whole blood, 1 gram of calcium chloride, TXA, and 500 mL of crystalloid fluid and an initial GCS of 5 (E-2, V1, M-2). Following your initial assessment of MARCH and all interventions You have determined this patient now has a GCS of 3 (E-1, V-1, M-2), requires additional transfusion of whole blood (you have one unit available), activation of the walking blood bank for additional units and ventilatory support immediately to attempt resuscitation. In your assessment you determine it is unlikely they will survive long term with the severity of the traumatic brain injury. You only have one ventilator.


Casualty #2- US Soldier with penetrating chest trauma to the anterior and left axillary line (about the fourth rib) chest and upper extremity trauma from a blast. The patient was determined to be a transient responder at POI following TQ placement high and tight on the left arm, occlusive dressings to the open chest wounds, needle D x2, TXA, and 500 mL of crystalloid fluid and an initial GCS of 14 (E-4, V5, M-5). Following your initial assessment of MARCH and all interventions you have determined this patient now has a GCS of 8 (E-2, V-3, M- 3), requires additional transfusion of whole blood (you have one unit available), activation of the walking blood bank for additional units, securement of the patient's airway with an ETT via RSI, 1 gm calcium chloride, chest tube, and ventilatory support for resuscitation. You only have one ventilator. Casualty #2 urges you to save his buddy. He states "I am his team leader He has to go home to his wife! I don't matter!"


Apply either two Ethical Principles (Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, or Justice) or two Ethical Theories (Utilitarianism, Deontology, Rights Theory, or Virtue Theory) to this Ethical Dilemma. Describe the application of the Principle or Theory to support a course of action. Compare and contrast the two Ethical Principles or Ethical Theories as the apply to this scenario.

Throughout your one-to-two-page paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines

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